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Version tolerance error for RTC install

Shwetalee Raut (142) | asked Sep 08 '10, 1:08 p.m.
I am installing RTC into existing eclipse (new install - gannymade + suggested patches) & stuck at this point due to this error.
" Feature "org.eclipse.jdt.feature" in the existing Eclipse installation does not meet version tolerance {3.4.2, 4.0.0) for feature which is about to be installed "

Eclipse version is 3.4

Can you please advice me how to correct this?

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 08 '10, 6:27 p.m.
I am installing RTC into existing eclipse (new install - gannymade + suggested patches) & stuck at this point due to this error.
" Feature "org.eclipse.jdt.feature" in the existing Eclipse installation does not meet version tolerance {3.4.2, 4.0.0) for feature which is about to be installed "

Eclipse version is 3.4

Can you please advice me how to correct this?

Can you try installing into Eclipse 3.4.2? It sounds like you are running on a plain 3.4 - an older version of Eclipse.


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