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Is there a way to export history with work items?

2 answers

To my knowledge, there is no declarative way to export history
information from a work item, in which case you'd have to use the work
item API to extract that information for export. To pursue that topic,
you'd want to shift to the jazz.extend forum.
On 8/31/2010 2:52 AM, oryosuke wrote:
information from a work item, in which case you'd have to use the work
item API to extract that information for export. To pursue that topic,
you'd want to shift to the jazz.extend forum.
On 8/31/2010 2:52 AM, oryosuke wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to know whether we can export history information with
work itemes.
When I export work items, I cannot choose history from column.
If anyone know the way to export history of work items, let me know.
I could not find any related documents for it.