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Database configuration for dataWarehouse

Eliya Voldman (41152) | asked Aug 14 '10, 10:37 a.m.
It's something new for me .. Before I did only RTC. This time I'm configuring file for QM and noticed that it requests to provide configuration for datawarehouse database as well.
Could please someone clarify for me:
1. could I use the same db I provided for repository or I should use another database?
2. I tried to specify another db for datawarehouse but repo-tool created tables only for repository db.
Please help to understand how to provide configuration for repository and datawarehouse databases in this file.

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Aug 23 '10, 2:32 p.m.
Which version of RQM is this?
Which property in are you referring to?
I am not aware of any datawarehouse configuration that has ever been done in our, unless this is something new in 3.0 beta that I have not run into yet.
John Nason
RQM Development

It's something new for me .. Before I did only RTC. This time I'm configuring file for QM and noticed that it requests to provide configuration for datawarehouse database as well.
Could please someone clarify for me:
1. could I use the same db I provided for repository or I should use another database?
2. I tried to specify another db for datawarehouse but repo-tool created tables only for repository db.
Please help to understand how to provide configuration for repository and datawarehouse databases in this file.

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