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Advanced query question

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Aug 13 '10, 3:04 a.m.
I'm trying to create a query where Type = 'Defect' , Status = 'Unresolved', Phase Found = 'FVT', 'iVT', or 'APAR' , and Linked Record = 'Unresolved' when Phase Found = 'FVT' or 'APAR'.

However, for records where Phase Found = 'iVT' the linked record state doesn't matter and can be blank.

How can I specify that the record returned must be one of those 3 Phase Founds, but the Linked Record status only matters if the Phase Found is 'FVT' or 'APAR'?

In our project Phase Found is an Enumeration and Linked Record is a Work Item field.


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