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Project Area Description Initialization from ProcessTemplate

Wagner Arnaut (1162714) | asked Aug 11 '10, 4:21 p.m.
retagged Jun 08 '12, 1:42 p.m. by David Olsen (5237)

I created a corporate RTC Process Template. Into this Process Template Description I added some information about the Software Development Process version that this Template is based on.

Is it possible to Initialize Project Area Description from Process Template Description? I would like to have those comment on Project Area Description field.

Thanks a lot and best regards.

Wagner Arnaut

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shaomin xing (15643) | answered Jun 08 '12, 12:24 p.m.
You can add your information about the Software Development Process version into Process Description of the Process Template (Hover on your template, click the Edit Process Description button to add a process description with the information in its Description field). Then you can create a new project area from the template that you just modified, open the process description tab in project area editor, you will see your information in the process description.

ARMAND ANGLADE commented Nov 07 '13, 5:37 a.m. | edited Nov 07 '13, 6:16 a.m.

Doing what you have suggested is working, but very limited in terms of sharing between the corporate PT and the project areas that are using it.
How can we share the changes of the process definition in the template with the project areas that are using it ?
Thanks a lot,

sam detweiler commented Nov 07 '13, 8:59 a.m.

we never found a shareable way to do this.   we added xml comments to the project configuration source, so we could read it when we needed to.

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