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Jazz RTC Version control system Code Tagging/Branching

Phanindra G Venkata (111) | asked Aug 11 '10, 1:39 a.m.
Hi All,

I am a new bee to RTC. I would like to create a branch (which i used in other Version systems like CVS) for my project in RTC version control system. so as to i can have two separate development version one for Production environment and other for Enhancement part. How can we achieve it using RTC.



Accepted answer

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Oct 28 '10, 5:23 a.m.
I dont' t know, how to realize making a "branch" in RTC.
It's not exactly described.

Can you please give me some information,
how to make a new stream as branch and which I had to use as sourcereference (component, baseline...)


Assuming you already have a stream called Production Stream - try this:

Go to your project in your IDE make sure you are looking in the Team Artifacts view. Expand the project so you can see the Source Control folder. Right button and select New->Stream. Call it Enhancement Stream. A wizard will allow you to select the components you want from your Production or any other stream. You now have something similar to a branch.

To start working on code, go to your project in your IDE. Right button on My Repository Workspaces and select New->Repository Workspace. Using the wizard, select Flow with a Stream and select your Enhancement Stream. You can select Finish at this point, or go to the other screens to select specific options. By default, it will create a new repository workspace called <name> Workspace, and load it on your local machine.

Later on - when you want to push your changes back to the Production Stream, right button on your repository workspace and select Change Flow Target and select your production stream. You can then deliver all your changes to the Production Stream.

RTC does have some different concepts, so definitely look at some of the introductory articles to help yourself get familiar with the terms and concepts. It is very easy and powerful once you get the basic ideas like Stream, Workspace, and Components.

Does that help?

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Isaque Galdino commented Nov 09 '12, 7:05 a.m.

This is exactly what I'm looking for.

Thank you Anthony.

8 other answers

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Aug 11 '10, 2:17 a.m.
phani4jazz wrote:
I would like to create a branch (which
i used in other Version systems like CVS) for my project in RTC
version control system. so as to i can have two separate development
version one for Production environment and other for Enhancement
part. How can we achieve it using RTC.

Create a new stream. To effectively branch you source, just deliver a
change set to one stream but not the other. RTC takes care of all the
branching under the covers. You never have to worry about explicitly
branching something or merging it later. You just move change sets
around between streams.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 02 '10, 7:10 p.m.
I'd suggest looking at the article "Multiple Stream Development":


On 9/2/2010 2:37 PM, gbsills wrote:

Create a new stream. To effectively branch you source, just deliver a

change set to one stream but not the other. RTC takes care of all the

branching under the covers. You never have to worry about explicitly

branching something or merging it later. You just move change sets
around between streams.

This sounds great but a more detailed description would be helpful.
Could you point us to one?

Raphael Weisser commented Oct 27 '10, 6:24 a.m. | edited Mar 07 '13, 4:34 p.m.

I've read the article about Multi-Stream Developement,
and found some important information how to use Jazz Source Control.

I created some workspaces with DefaultStream as FlowTarget.
Then I made a new baseline from the component of one of the workspaces above as Branch.
Afterwards I created a new Workspace with this baseline.
But now I haven't a flowtarget for this branch for delivering.

So I thought about creating an additional Stream for the Branch.
But during SVN-Import I've read about import branches into an own workspace.

So how is it thought to create and use 'branches' in Jazz SC

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Glenn Sills (6) | answered Sep 02 '10, 2:26 p.m.

Create a new stream. To effectively branch you source, just deliver a
change set to one stream but not the other. RTC takes care of all the
branching under the covers. You never have to worry about explicitly
branching something or merging it later. You just move change sets
around between streams.

This sounds great but a more detailed description would be helpful. Could you point us to one?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 28 '10, 12:17 a.m.
In RTC, a "branch" is represented by an RTC stream.
Not sure what you mean by "made a new baseline from the component of one
of the workspaces as Branch". A baseline is an immutable
configuration, not a branch. In RTC, you can initialize a stream from a
baseline ... is that perhaps what you meant?


On 10/27/2010 6:38 AM, MartinI88 wrote:
I've read the article about Multi-Stream Developement,
and found some important information how to use Jazz Source Control.

I created some workspaces with DefaultStream as FlowTarget.
Then I made a new baseline from the component of one of the workspaces
above as Branch.
Afterwards I created a new Workspace with this baseline.
But now I haven't a flowtarget for this branch for delivering.

So I thought about creating an additional Stream for the Branch.
But during SVN-Import I've read about import branches into an own

So how is it thought to create and use 'branches' in Jazz SC

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Raphael Weisser (101195) | answered Oct 28 '10, 2:18 a.m.
I dont' t know, how to realize making a "branch" in RTC.
It's not exactly described.

Can you please give me some information,
how to make a new stream as branch and which I had to use as sourcereference (component, baseline...)

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Raphael Weisser (101195) | answered Oct 28 '10, 6:02 a.m.
yes, thats the missing pieces of knowledge.
Thank you for your detailed answer!!

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thushara PADMAPERUMA (6) | answered Feb 28 '11, 8:09 p.m.
Just wondering any of you are using the Rational collaborative application life cycle management in a software development environment (i.e RRC, RTC and RQM in one setup). If so please let us know how you find this jazz development environment for about 20 developers. What is the recommended source control system?
How easy is it to migrate large number of programs with multiple branches to Jazz source control system ?


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Laurence Caraccio (9166) | answered Mar 20 '12, 5:25 a.m.
Just wondering any of you are using the Rational collaborative application life cycle management in a software development environment (i.e RRC, RTC and RQM in one setup). If so please let us know how you find this jazz development environment for about 20 developers. What is the recommended source control system?
How easy is it to migrate large number of programs with multiple branches to Jazz source control system ?


As far as source control goes, use RTC for your source control, it has it built in through the IDE. If you want it for more than 10 developers then you will have to buy the product from IBM. As far as migrating your source data over I'm not sure how easy it is to do, I know parts of IBM will do it for you (if you pay them obviously) such as the Platform Technology Center based in Hursley in the UK. Hope this helps.

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