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How to setup a remote build with Jazz build engine

Emmanuel Geay (1611) | asked Jul 30 '10, 1:09 p.m.

We have installed a Jazz server on a given machine and are using it happily for our planning needs. We would like to setup the Jazz build system to our project. Unfortunately the machine on which we install Jazz is not really a build machine per se. So what we would like to do is the following.
Kick-off (via the Jazz build system) our main Ant build file remotely on a "real" build machine and populates back the results to our Jazz server. Now by reading at the docs I'm not sure how to do that.
Should I install Jazz build system on the remote build machine? If we do so, how can we link the remote build system to our team area?



4 answers

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Jul 30 '10, 1:31 p.m.
This sounds like a very standard use of the build support. Have you followed the tutorial in, it shows most of this with the build calling an ant task and setting up a build engine.

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Emmanuel Geay (1611) | answered Jul 30 '10, 4:02 p.m.
In the example given, one starts the build engine with

jbe -repository repositoryURL -userId username pass password -engineId engine

where repositoryURL is https://localhost:9443/jazz.
So it would mean the solution you advise is to have an Ant file that resides on the local machine and would take care of kicking off the build remotely and collecting back the results from the remote build machine, right?

If I consider defining the repositoryURL to https://<remotebuildserver>:<port>/jazz, does that mean I have to install a Jazz build system on this remote build machine or simply Apache tomcat with the jazz folder accessible on that port?

Which solution between the two is the one that is recommended?

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Jul 30 '10, 4:22 p.m.
The build engine communicates with the jazz server. If it's not running, the build can't proceed. The recommendation is to make the repositoryURL the URL of the machine running the Team Concert server. You don't have to install anything else on it, just the running server as it is will do.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 31 '10, 9:27 a.m.

I was confused a bit by the thread. So I try to answer some of the questions I was not sure if they got answered yet.

You would typically install the buildsystem toolkit on the buildmachine. You only need that and a JDK to make the build machine capable of building for RTC.

Once JBE is started pointing back to your JazzTeamServer using the URL it asks for work to do. Once a build is requested it loads the files of the repository workspace configured.
These files would typically also contain the ANT scripts in e.g. in a component.

After loading the files to the machine, the build engine can kick off the ANT script for building. Using some special ANT commands provided by the buildsystem toolkit you can feed back progress and testresults etc. to RTC.


In the example given, one starts the build engine with

jbe -repository repositoryURL -userId username pass password -engineId engine

where repositoryURL is https://localhost:9443/jazz.
So it would mean the solution you advise is to have an Ant file that resides on the local machine and would take care of kicking off the build remotely and collecting back the results from the remote build machine, right?

If I consider defining the repositoryURL to https://<remotebuildserver>:<port>/jazz, does that mean I have to install a Jazz build system on this remote build machine or simply Apache tomcat with the jazz folder accessible on that port?

Which solution between the two is the one that is recommended?

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