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What is the logic behind the listing of Test Case?

Rohit Rishabh (1531336) | asked Jul 29 '10, 3:02 a.m.
When we have multiple test cases attached to a Test Plan and then we try to view them using Test Plan Tree view Mode, What is the logic behind the order in which these test case appear in the Test Plan tree view mode?

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | answered Aug 19 '10, 8:49 a.m.

The sorting was added in 2.0.1 under this work item: "27761: Test cases are not sorted by default in the tree view of a test plan."


My Enhancement 20686 feels neglected! :-) Can someone connect these and finish it off?
Rohit Rishabh selected this answer as the correct answer

4 other answers

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Frank McGrath (242162) | answered Aug 18 '10, 1:41 p.m.
When we have multiple test cases attached to a Test Plan and then we try to view them using Test Plan Tree view Mode, What is the logic behind the order in which these test case appear in the Test Plan tree view mode?

In 2.0.1 iFix3 they are sorted in alphabetic order. I am not sure if that is true for all prior versions. What version are you running?

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Glenn Bardwell (58621527) | answered Aug 18 '10, 3:17 p.m.
When we have multiple test cases attached to a Test Plan and then we try to view them using Test Plan Tree view Mode, What is the logic behind the order in which these test case appear in the Test Plan tree view mode?

In 2.0.1 iFix3 they are sorted in alphabetic order. I am not sure if that is true for all prior versions. What version are you running?

Prior to 2.0.1 there was no ordering of test cases in the tree view. This capability was added for 2.0.1.

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Lam To (216) | answered Aug 18 '10, 5:24 p.m.
When we have multiple test cases attached to a Test Plan and then we try to view them using Test Plan Tree view Mode, What is the logic behind the order in which these test case appear in the Test Plan tree view mode?

In 2.0.1 iFix3 they are sorted in alphabetic order. I am not sure if that is true for all prior versions. What version are you running?

Prior to 2.0.1 there was no ordering of test cases in the tree view. This capability was added for 2.0.1.

The sorting was added in 2.0.1 under this work item: "27761: Test cases are not sorted by default in the tree view of a test plan."

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Rohit Rishabh (1531336) | answered Aug 19 '10, 3:04 a.m.
When we have multiple test cases attached to a Test Plan and then we try to view them using Test Plan Tree view Mode, What is the logic behind the order in which these test case appear in the Test Plan tree view mode?

In 2.0.1 iFix3 they are sorted in alphabetic order. I am not sure if that is true for all prior versions. What version are you running?

We are running on iFix5.

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