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Is there a way to report on change sets?

Jason Dean (1062168) | asked Jul 20 '10, 10:15 a.m.
I've been asked if there is a way of doing reporting on change sets.

The actual question asked was "how can I see a list of change set's that I have delivered?"



2 answers

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Jul 20 '10, 11:06 p.m.
On 7/20/2010 10:23 AM, jasuk70 wrote:
I've been asked if there is a way of doing reporting on change

The actual question asked was "how can I see a list of change
set's that I have delivered?"



The information available to reports related to change sets is somewhat
limited. There is information about each change set, which includes a
comment, owner, and change count (number of files/folders changed in the
change set). However there's no way to correlate that with delivery of
that change set to a stream.

I'll let someone from the SCM team follow up on possibilities here that
don't involve birt reports.

RTC Reports Team Lead

Manuel Felipe Amaya commented Mar 02 '17, 11:33 a.m.

Is there a way to do this now?

I can see a somewhat similar schema db using the Rational Insight knowledge center.
The only problem is that I cannot see where is the SCM information in this Schema. I believe its here, however I'm not sure.

Please help.

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Ben Williams (134) | answered Mar 02 '17, 12:35 p.m.
edited Mar 02 '17, 12:50 p.m.

Jas - the real requirement here thats resurfaced in a modified form is to quickly determine where any delivered change sets associated with a given task have progressed to through the CD pipelines and promotion to release-ready streams

Programatically, see

The simplest way involving a few clicks is just to use the Locate Change Sets feature from any given task.

Will catch up with you offline ref specifics in our content.

PS: Hi James - dont know if you're strill around on the forums here, but long time no see/speak - hope you are well!

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