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RTC 3.0(beta?) Security attribute question

Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10284273) | asked Jul 01 '10, 12:05 p.m.

There is a feature in the upcoming release that allows for me to use a "security feature/attribute" to limit who can see work items...great. Let's say there are 4 work items total and 2 are supposed to be hidden. USER-A can see all WorkItems (4) and USER-B can only see 2 WorkItems. That's how I would envision it.

What happens in BIRT reports (Dashboard) and Insight Reports? Will they see only (4) and (2) work items again? Or does this not apply?


3 answers

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Jul 05 '10, 2:31 p.m.

There is a feature in the upcoming release that allows for me to use a "security feature/attribute" to limit who can see work items...great. Let's say there are 4 work items total and 2 are supposed to be hidden. USER-A can see all WorkItems (4) and USER-B can only see 2 WorkItems. That's how I would envision it.

What happens in BIRT reports (Dashboard) and Insight Reports? Will they see only (4) and (2) work items again? Or does this not apply?


We are currently investigating how this can be handled in the context of reports. The conversation is started in the following work item, if you'd like to follow the thread.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 05 '10, 9:05 p.m.
My answer would just be that it would be what you'd expect, namely, that
it depends on who executes the report. In particular, a report
generated by USER-A will have access to all 4 work items, while a report
generated by USER-B will have access to only the 2 non-hidden work items.


On 7/5/2010 2:37 PM, jmoody wrote:

There is a feature in the upcoming release that allows for me to use
a "security feature/attribute" to limit who can see work
items...great. Let's say there are 4 work items total and 2 are
supposed to be hidden. USER-A can see all WorkItems (4) and USER-B
can only see 2 WorkItems. That's how I would envision it.

What happens in BIRT reports (Dashboard) and Insight Reports? Will
they see only (4) and (2) work items again? Or does this not apply?


We are currently investigating how this can be handled in the context
of reports. The conversation is started in the following work item,
if you'd like to follow the thread.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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Ana Lopez-Mancisidor (25648967) | answered Jul 06 '10, 2:15 a.m.
Hi, I have been doing some tests with RTC 3.0 M6 and BIRT reports and
security works also in the reports as expected (I am using a Project
Area with some users to restrict visibility using the new Restricted
Access Control feature) and the BIRT report also takes security in
consideration and only work items that are visible for the user that is
logged into RTC are displayed.

I have not done any tests yest with the Insight common reporting that
will come in RTC 3.


On 06/07/2010 3:05, Geoffrey Clemm wrote:
My answer would just be that it would be what you'd expect, namely, that
it depends on who executes the report. In particular, a report generated
by USER-A will have access to all 4 work items, while a report generated
by USER-B will have access to only the 2 non-hidden work items.


On 7/5/2010 2:37 PM, jmoody wrote:

There is a feature in the upcoming release that allows for me to use
a "security feature/attribute" to limit who can see work
items...great. Let's say there are 4 work items total and 2 are
supposed to be hidden. USER-A can see all WorkItems (4) and USER-B
can only see 2 WorkItems. That's how I would envision it.

What happens in BIRT reports (Dashboard) and Insight Reports? Will
they see only (4) and (2) work items again? Or does this not apply?


We are currently investigating how this can be handled in the context
of reports. The conversation is started in the following work item,
if you'd like to follow the thread.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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