RAFW WPS - Profile setup. Incubator question

Hi, as part of the process server setup, the guided activities has 3 text files that has various targets to execute.
wps_62_installation_guided_activity.txt has basic DMGR and profile setup
wps_62_deployment_environment_configuration_guided_activity.txt has the steps to setup the WPS deployment environment.
The steps in wps_62_custom_cluster_configuration_guided_activity.txt has steps which are already executed during deployment configuration.
Is the custom cluster configuration steps optional ? There are some targets in this guided activity that removes SIBUS that has already been setup previously.
From a process perspective, what is the sequence in which these targets have to be run ?
wps_62_installation_guided_activity.txt has basic DMGR and profile setup
wps_62_deployment_environment_configuration_guided_activity.txt has the steps to setup the WPS deployment environment.
The steps in wps_62_custom_cluster_configuration_guided_activity.txt has steps which are already executed during deployment configuration.
Is the custom cluster configuration steps optional ? There are some targets in this guided activity that removes SIBUS that has already been setup previously.
From a process perspective, what is the sequence in which these targets have to be run ?