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Installing new software of Eclipse?

George Ortega (11) | asked Jun 25 '10, 2:52 p.m.
Hi, I have install

Before use this version I was using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers (

In this version of eclipse I have options like Launch the Web Services Explorer and I can install plugins like JbossTools and more options of Java EE.

I install these options in Menu. Help, Install new Software.

But in Rational Team Concert ExpressC I cant install nothing of this options.

And I have a Question.
It is possible to install this kind of things?

Is possible to install this kind of projects:


One answer

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 25 '10, 4:25 p.m.
Hi, I have install

Before use this version I was using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers (

In this version of eclipse I have options like Launch the Web Services Explorer and I can install plugins like JbossTools and more options of Java EE.

I install these options in Menu. Help, Install new Software.

But in Rational Team Concert ExpressC I cant install nothing of this options.

And I have a Question.
It is possible to install this kind of things?

Is possible to install this kind of projects:



The RTC Eclipse client really is Eclipse + some specific RTC plugins. You should be able to install other Eclipse plugins from the Help->Software Updates menu item.



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