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Controlling projects to build in an RTC build...

Rajesh Bhagat (122) | asked Apr 19 '10, 2:41 p.m.
When doing a build in RTC, I am able to download based on the components I want to build from a repository workspace.

How do I further control the projects within a component in the repository workspace that I want to build?


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Florian Georg (19031918) | answered Apr 20 '10, 5:38 a.m.
When doing a build in RTC, I am able to download based on the components I want to build from a repository workspace.

How do I further control the projects within a component in the repository workspace that I want to build?


What we do is to define a set of build definitions that use different component load rule files (see to only load a subset of the artifacts of a component.
After that, it's up to your build script to handle this, e.g. only build the projects that have actually been loaded.

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