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More about variable references

Tim McDaniel (401146) | asked Jun 16 '10, 12:37 p.m.
I looked in the on-line help but didn't see anything: if ${variable}
expanded by Build Forge just like $variable?

We had steps where there was a variable reference in the Directory:
field of the step, like


where BUILDUTIL_DIR was a variable set in the top-level project (which
ran a step which inlined a library which ran the step in question).
The build log says

SET BF_TAG_PHYS=EPSTreasuryTesting-314
SET BF_STEPNAME=Publish FindBugs Results
SET Reference to undefined variable: BUILDUTIL_DIR
SET BF_STEP_ROOT=E:\RBF\EPS_Treasury_-_Testing\EPSTreasuryTesting-314\BUILDUTIL_DIR
SET BF_ROOT=E:\RBF\EPS_Treasury_-_Testing\EPSTreasuryTesting-314

I should say that I've since changed it to a constant value, but I
think it was
and I recall I also tried

Is there any way to have a variable reference in the Directory field
of a step?

Tim McDaniel,

3 answers

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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Jun 17 '10, 11:26 a.m.
I looked in the on-line help but didn't see anything: if ${variable}
expanded by Build Forge just like $variable?

We had steps where there was a variable reference in the Directory:
field of the step, like


where BUILDUTIL_DIR was a variable set in the top-level project (which
ran a step which inlined a library which ran the step in question).
The build log says

SET BF_TAG_PHYS=EPSTreasuryTesting-314
SET BF_STEPNAME=Publish FindBugs Results
SET Reference to undefined variable: BUILDUTIL_DIR
SET BF_STEP_ROOT=E:\RBF\EPS_Treasury_-_Testing\EPSTreasuryTesting-314\BUILDUTIL_DIR
SET BF_ROOT=E:\RBF\EPS_Treasury_-_Testing\EPSTreasuryTesting-314

I should say that I've since changed it to a constant value, but I
think it was
and I recall I also tried

Is there any way to have a variable reference in the Directory field
of a step?

Tim McDaniel,

Hi Tim,

The step directory field doesn't handle environment variables. Would it be possible for your step to cd into the directory and then execute the command that you'd like.


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Tim McDaniel (401146) | answered Jun 18 '10, 8:42 a.m.
I looked in the on-line help but didn't see much.

Does Build Forge expand ${variable}, $variable, and %variable%
identically in all cases? (Except for step commands when you set
_NO_PREPARSE_COMMAND, the variable that blocks Build Forge from
interpreting variables in commands sent to the agent.)
Furthermore, are they equivalent in all contexts, including
- commands in steps
- dot commands
- variable values in environments
- doubtless other cases that aren't coming to mind?

Is there a reason to prefer one syntax over another? (Other than the
usual reason, of a variable reference being followed by literal
characters that would otherwise be considered part of the variable
name, like baseline_${revision}_label.)

The on-line help page "Calling variables in steps" refers to only
the $variable and %variable% forms. But "Interpretation of undeclared
variables" allows the ${variable} form.

About the only other thing I saw was in "Using Registers", "You can
include register variables in notification templates; use the ${X}
braced form when referencing registers in notification templates." but
then "Note: You cannot use registers in commands like variables. You
must first pop the value of a register to a file before you can use

Tim McDaniel,

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Jeffrey Gordon (961310) | answered Mar 03 '11, 2:55 p.m.
I like to put small Perl scripts into a Register and then use .pop to write the code to a file and subsequently execute it. So for example:

(Inlined Library)
Step 1: .pop -p MY_PERL_CODE
Step 2: .bset env "MYVAR=`ratlperl arg1 arg2`"

This works great when MY_PERL_CODE is in the Register of the Project that is run. However, if MY_PERL_CODE is in the Register of the inlined Library the .pop (with or without -p) always writes 0 bytes (hence, no code).

Is this simply an undocumented limitation of using Registers?

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