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Trouble upgrading from RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 to iFix2

Ahmad Hafiz Hafiz (161) | asked Jun 16 '10, 4:18 a.m.
We previously had a working RQM installation (version 2.0.1 with iFix1 applied), on Tomcat / Derby....

After updating the installation to iFix2, we had faced some problems with RQM... (upgrade path: 2.0.1 -> iFix1 -> iFix2)

1) Server license status was Deactivated and gave the following complaint message:

CRJAZ0975I The policy requires the bundle, but it could not be found. 

Re-importing the jazz team server license doesn't help.

2) Second, the startup log complains of some components missing and something about license bad state

WARN ComponentVersionMismatch CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database but is not present in the server:

^ among other things...


16:06:45,796 [http-9443-Processor13] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license installation failures.

Did anyone face similar problem while upgrading their RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 installation to iFix2?

The whole log

INFO: Server startup in 180953 ms
15:57:34,812 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO uration.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration - CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "file:///C%3a/P
15:57:35,453 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ory.service.AbstractConfigurationPropertyValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
15:57:37,015 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Usi
Db Name/Location: repositoryDB
15:57:38,625 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (677131)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:repositoryDB
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (677131)
15:57:39,015 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO - CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\Program Files
15:57:39,031 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO - CRJAZ8190E: The fulltext index location property (ind
exLocation) should point to an absolute directory but is currently set to 'workitemindex'
15:57:46,562 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,687 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,781 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,812 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,828 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,859 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,875 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,906 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,921 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,937 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,968 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,984 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,046 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,062 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,093 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,093 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,109 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,125 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:51,437 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
15:57:52,718 [http-9443-Processor25] WARN - CRJAZ1181I Security notice during initialization: All
owing ADMIN user access. It is recommended that you disable the ADMIN user and create a real user with administrative rights.
15:57:52,718 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN - CRJAZ1181I Security notice during initialization: All
owing ADMIN user access. It is recommended that you disable the ADMIN user and create a real user with administrative rights.
16:06:45,796 [http-9443-Processor13] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
16:06:46,000 [http-9443-Processor22] WARN ory.service.AbstractConfigurationPropertyValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
16:07:52,968 [AsynchronousTaskRunner-0] WARN - CRRTC0240W: E-mail notification is disabled, see t
he Server Setup Guide for details on enabling it.

5 answers

permanent link
Ahmad Hafiz Hafiz (161) | answered Jun 16 '10, 5:41 a.m.
Update on the problem...

We exported the data from a backup of the working RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 installation and imported in a fresh working installation of RQM 2.0.1 iFix2 (upgrade path: 2.0.1 -> iFix2)...

Its still giving the same errors...

Anyone able to shed some light on these components that were apparently installed but not present in the server?

Maybe how to disable/enable them? Because i think these missing components maybe the reason why the server is giving off license errors...

- Hafiz

permanent link
John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Jun 21 '10, 3:46 p.m.
All of these errors indicate a problem with the repository, but you should not have done any data migration when upgrading from iFix01 to iFix02.
Did you for whatever reason run repotools?

Did you follow the upgrade instructions, per:

In particular, with the server running go to this url (edit for your server):
... and then restart RQM.

That will refresh the server runtime with all of the upgraded code.

Were there any other steps in your upgrade process that you did not mention?

John Nason
RQM Development

We previously had a working RQM installation (version 2.0.1 with iFix1 applied), on Tomcat / Derby....

After updating the installation to iFix2, we had faced some problems with RQM... (upgrade path: 2.0.1 -> iFix1 -> iFix2)

1) Server license status was Deactivated and gave the following complaint message:

CRJAZ0975I The policy requires the bundle, but it could not be found. 

Re-importing the jazz team server license doesn't help.

2) Second, the startup log complains of some components missing and something about license bad state

WARN ComponentVersionMismatch CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database but is not present in the server:

^ among other things...


16:06:45,796 [http-9443-Processor13] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license installation failures.

Did anyone face similar problem while upgrading their RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 installation to iFix2?

The whole log

INFO: Server startup in 180953 ms
15:57:34,812 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO uration.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration - CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "file:///C%3a/P
15:57:35,453 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ory.service.AbstractConfigurationPropertyValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
15:57:37,015 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Usi
Db Name/Location: repositoryDB
15:57:38,625 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (677131)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:repositoryDB
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (677131)
15:57:39,015 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO - CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\Program Files
15:57:39,031 [http-9443-Processor24] INFO - CRJAZ8190E: The fulltext index location property (ind
exLocation) should point to an absolute directory but is currently set to 'workitemindex'
15:57:46,562 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,687 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,781 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,812 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,828 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,859 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,875 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,906 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,921 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,937 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,968 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:46,984 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,046 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,062 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,093 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,093 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,109 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:47,125 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database
but is not present in the server:
15:57:51,437 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
15:57:52,718 [http-9443-Processor25] WARN - CRJAZ1181I Security notice during initialization: All
owing ADMIN user access. It is recommended that you disable the ADMIN user and create a real user with administrative rights.
15:57:52,718 [http-9443-Processor24] WARN - CRJAZ1181I Security notice during initialization: All
owing ADMIN user access. It is recommended that you disable the ADMIN user and create a real user with administrative rights.
16:06:45,796 [http-9443-Processor13] WARN cense.FloatingLicenseServiceConfigurationValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
16:06:46,000 [http-9443-Processor22] WARN ory.service.AbstractConfigurationPropertyValidator - CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used.
If you are running an official build of the Jazz Team Server, then your license setup is in a bad state. Check the log for details about license inst
allation failures.
16:07:52,968 [AsynchronousTaskRunner-0] WARN - CRRTC0240W: E-mail notification is disabled, see t
he Server Setup Guide for details on enabling it.

permanent link
Sudhakar Frederick (80113631) | answered Jun 27 '10, 9:26 p.m.
When installed into WAS is the requestReset enough for iFixes? The istructions at seem to indicate that it is. Is there anything else that needs to be done?


All of these errors indicate a problem with the repository, but you should not have done any data migration when upgrading from iFix01 to iFix02.
Did you for whatever reason run repotools?

Did you follow the upgrade instructions, per:

In particular, with the server running go to this url (edit for your server):
... and then restart RQM.

That will refresh the server runtime with all of the upgraded code.

Were there any other steps in your upgrade process that you did not mention?

John Nason
RQM Development

permanent link
John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Jun 30 '10, 3:29 p.m.
Hi Freddy,
requestReset works the same for both Tomcat and WAS, if that's what you are asking. When you restart the server you should see messages about the provisioner, deleting war files (including WAS paths), and redeploying new war files.

There are 12 steps there, and the list is complete. Also - take note that during the installation process you are prompted for a backup location for configuration files. Be sure to restore any edits that you may have made to these files, i.e., provision profiles, etc. The Installation Manager does mention this but I guess we should reiterate the point in our upgrade instructions.

John Nason
RQM Development

When installed into WAS is the requestReset enough for iFixes? The istructions at seem to indicate that it is. Is there anything else that needs to be done?


All of these errors indicate a problem with the repository, but you should not have done any data migration when upgrading from iFix01 to iFix02.
Did you for whatever reason run repotools?

Did you follow the upgrade instructions, per:

In particular, with the server running go to this url (edit for your server):
... and then restart RQM.

That will refresh the server runtime with all of the upgraded code.

Were there any other steps in your upgrade process that you did not mention?

John Nason
RQM Development

permanent link
Meghana Pandey (15111514) | answered Sep 20 '11, 5:16 a.m.
We had developed some of our custom components with storage models in RTC and were using repotools to add our tables in derby DB. We are in a process of upgrading to RTC 3.0.1 now.
In my local RTC 3.0.1 environment, when I tried repotools-ccm -addTables cmd, I could see following logs:
Adding tables to the database "conf/ccm/derby/repositoryDB".
2011-09-08 16:01:18,606 CRJAZ1441I A new component model for "xyz" was added.

But when I run my jetty launch, I see following errors in the logs, for the same components:

14:50:57,328 WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database but is not present in the server:
14:50:57,609 ERROR ComponentNotInstalled - Component has not been installed in the database: xyz

FYI: this is the db.location param value in my jetty launch: ${workspace_loc}/../server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB

Iam I missing some step here? Is there a different command to add my tables ?

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