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Assigning the Dashboard for users to see once logged in

Michael Mancini (1362410) | asked Jun 07 '10, 3:32 p.m.
How exactly do you assign certain users (team areas) to see their dashboard when they log in? (other than having them bookmark the dashboard for their team). We are getting a lot of questions on why they see the main project dashboard instead of their customized one once logged in.

2 answers

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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Jun 09 '10, 12:13 p.m.
The current logic for selecting a default dashboard to show when going to the dashboard page is to select the first personal dashboard in the list, if any, else go to the project dashboard.

This was done for simplicity and consistency, since you can be a member of many teams, or none at all, but you must be in a project to see the dashboard page. The idea was to not confuse the user with complex logic like.. if you're a member of one team, show that team dashboard, else pick one at random, or if you're not a member of any, fall back to project.

I'd be happy to hear some ideas on improving the default logic, if you have any.


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Michael Mancini (1362410) | answered Jun 09 '10, 12:19 p.m.
The current logic for selecting a default dashboard to show when going to the dashboard page is to select the first personal dashboard in the list, if any, else go to the project dashboard.

This was done for simplicity and consistency, since you can be a member of many teams, or none at all, but you must be in a project to see the dashboard page. The idea was to not confuse the user with complex logic like.. if you're a member of one team, show that team dashboard, else pick one at random, or if you're not a member of any, fall back to project.

I'd be happy to hear some ideas on improving the default logic, if you have any.


That logic seems fine to me, as we have many members that belong to different teams. However, having the choice of assigning a team (or certain people) that when they log in they see certain dashboards would be ideal. I'm not sure where it could be best implemented, possibly as another tab in the jazz/admin pages, but it would help.

Thank you for the response.

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