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RTC and SVN work item validation

Joan Mpofu (2255) | asked Jun 03 '10, 5:11 a.m.
We have RTC linked to Subverion Revisions. We have realised that it is possible to link an SVN revision to a non existant RTC work item during the commit stage. Is there a way to possibly run some pre-commit hooks thats will/can check to see if the work item exists and belongs to the user performing the commit action?
RTC Tested on Windows and Linux. :!:

3 answers

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Jun 03 '10, 9:44 a.m.
The Eclipse Subversion clients do not support this type of validation.
However, it would be possible to write a server-side validation script
that would fail the commit if the work item wasn't valid. The article describes how this could be done
with GIT but it should be possible to do for Subversion as well.


jem290 wrote:
We have RTC linked to Subverion Revisions. We have realised that it is
possible to link an SVN revision to a non existant RTC work item
during the commit stage. Is there a way to possibly run some
pre-commit hooks thats will/can check to see if the work item exists
and belongs to the user performing the commit action?
RTC Tested on Windows and Linux. :!:

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Raphael Weisser (101195) | answered Nov 05 '10, 6:59 a.m.
In version 3.0,
in the Eclipse-properties, Jazz Work Items
there is an option Prompting to activate
("Prompt on commit if a work item number is not provided")

I thought, that option will validate the number before commiting, but it doesn't.
So what is the function of this option?

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Nov 05 '10, 2:45 p.m.
I believe that option is there to ensure that the field is not blank. However, the SVN client doesn't provide any API to allow us to validate the field content in any way.

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