Looking for documentation on testenvironments
2 answers
Any documentation about how the different "components" in the test lab manager are related to each other? Testcells, resourcegroups, testenvironments - how do we explain how to use it to customers?
There is a paragraph at the top of the article for each of these in the documentation that (at least at first glance) seems to be a good overview of what that component is and how it relates to the others. See:
Test cells
Resource Groups
Test environments
Is that what you were looking for? Or something else (or more)?
Any documentation about how the different "components" in the test lab manager are related to each other? Testcells, resourcegroups, testenvironments - how do we explain how to use it to customers?
There is a paragraph at the top of the article for each of these in the documentation that (at least at first glance) seems to be a good overview of what that component is and how it relates to the others. See:
Test cells
Resource Groups
Test environments
Is that what you were looking for? Or something else (or more)?
In the help I find that
Test Cell = grouping of lab resources, should be based on specific test environment
Lab resources = Macines Virtual Images definedin Lab properties
Lab resource group = group of resources dedicated to a team
How are test cells and lab resources related to each other?
Is this the use case when setting it up in a customer environment:
1. Create lab resources
2. Create test cells based on the lab resources
3. Create Lab resource groups with test cells and defined test team
4. Create test environment in the testplan