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How to get lead time of WI in report?

David Csikkel (1313516) | asked May 13 '10, 3:21 a.m.

do you have any idea how to get lead time of WI in report?

WIs have states: Backlog, In progress, Ready to review, Done.

Lead time means number of hours/days from state's change "Backlog->In progress" to state's change "Ready for review -> Done".

I cannot find how to create dataset defined as SQL SELECT in report designer?!?

Thank you in advance

David Csikkel

2 answers

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered May 13 '10, 9:32 a.m.
On 5/13/2010 3:23 AM, David.Csikkel wrote:

do you have any idea how to get lead time of WI in report?

WIs have states: Backlog, In progress, Ready to review, Done.

Lead time means number of hours/days from state's change
"Backlog->In progress" to state's change "Ready for
review -> Done".

I cannot find how to create dataset defined as SQL SELECT in report

Thank you in advance

David Csikkel

You can't do full SQL in the report designer. Our data sets
automatically create the appropriate SQL queries based on a somewhat
simplified user experience. However, the data you need is there. The
Workitem_Chngs table contains the history of each work item, including
states, and has both the pre- and post-change values. So you want to
select from that table where the prev_state is Backlog and state is In
Progress (given your example above), and again where prev_state is Ready
for Review" and state is Done. Then you can correlate the values in the
report and calculate the lead time.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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David Csikkel (1313516) | answered May 21 '10, 4:47 a.m.
Thank you for advices.
I have created 3 datasets,
one for Backlog -> In progress change and
second one for Ready to review -> Done change
And finally third join dataset.
Report is working now but... :-)

Where can I find storypoints?
I want to recalculate lead time of story per storypoint.


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