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Import Workitems with Iteration

Marco Bormann (16111910) | asked May 12 '10, 8:01 a.m.
I tried to import work items into an iteration from CSV. I tried several ways: importing them using
attribute sourceId="Planned For" targetId=""

with the Display Name in the "Planned For"-column in the csv-file.
which is actually part of the default mapping. But the result only was that the existing iterations got created a second time.
I tried to specify the values using the IDs of the iterations, but that did not work either, it simply created iterations with the IDs as Display Names
Does anyone know how to do this,

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Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered May 13 '10, 4:46 a.m.
Make sure to qualify the values with the timeline followed by the
iteration like this: /timeline/iteration/subiteration


Marco Bormann commented May 18 '10, 11:32 a.m. | edited Jul 24 '13, 10:05 p.m.
Make sure to qualify the values with the timeline followed by the
iteration like this: /timeline/iteration/subiteration


thanks a lot, works perfectly

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