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Workspaces not showing in Pending Changes view

Walter Mansur (63613017) | asked May 06 '10, 10:07 a.m.
I just upgraded to RTC v2.0.02 iFix2 last week and I have noticed something interesting regarding the "Pending Changes" view in the RTC Eclipse client.

Before the update, whenever I opened RTC (v2.0.0.2 and earlier), the 9 workspaces that are in "My Repository Workspaces" would show up in the "Pending Changes" view of the Eclipse client.

After the update, 2 of them (out of 9) show up in the "Pending Changes" view. Even after I click on the "Refresh" button and using the tiny Down Arrow next to it to select "Refresh Sandboxes and Remote Changes", the other workspaces don't show up in the "Pending Changes" view. To get the other workspaces to show up there, I have to run a "Load" action on each of them. This brings the other workspaces into the "Pending Changes" view and as expected, if there are "Incoming Changes", they are shown there. If I do not "load" these other workspaces, I would not know that there are "Incoming Changes" for them.

Is this something new for RTC?


15 answers

permanent link
Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered May 06 '10, 11:27 a.m.
Hi Walter,

Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.

Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client? Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

permanent link
Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered May 06 '10, 12:19 p.m.
Hi Tim,

I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view. So, yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to disk. The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for each workspace.

I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.

I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this before.


Hi Walter,

Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.

Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client? Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

permanent link
Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered May 06 '10, 1:29 p.m.
Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start RTC after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace, same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a bug.

Hi Tim,

I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view. So, yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to disk. The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for each workspace.

I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.

I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this before.


Hi Walter,

Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.

Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client? Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

permanent link
Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered May 06 '10, 5:06 p.m.
Hi Tim,

That is something that I will look into. I will shutdown my laptop for the day soon and then see if this happens when I log in tomorrow AM and launch RTC for the first time. Once I "loaded" up my workspaces today, they have come back in the Pending Changes view since then.

I have just checked for this on another workstation that had RTC upgraded at the same time mine was. I have several workspaces on that PC. Several of them are loaded with the "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selection. Several of the workspaces are for streams that definitely have had changes made in them.

For one of the workspaces:
1. I did the load with "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selected and accepted the Incoming Changes that were picked up in the Pending Changes view.
2. I did not "load" any other workspace.
3. I then shut down the RTC Eclipse client.
4. I restarted RTC Eclipse Client and the workspace I loaded in Step 1 was displayed in the Pending Changes view (a good thing).

However, several other workspaces that were created with the "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selection were not displayed in the Pending Changes view, even though there are changes in the streams that they are attached to. I think that even being loaded with this selection, the workspaces that have changes coming in should be displayed in the Pending Changes view.

I'll let you know what happens with my laptop tomorrow morning when I start RTC up for the first time.


Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start RTC after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace, same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a bug.

Hi Tim,

I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view. So, yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to disk. The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do "Load" then select "Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for each workspace.

I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.

I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this before.


Hi Walter,

Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.

Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client? Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to normal.

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 06 '10, 10:47 p.m.
Note that whether a particular workspace appears in the Pending Changes
view of a particular Eclipse workspace depends only on metadata stored
in that Eclipse workspace (which is controlled by the "load" and
"unload" operations applied to that Eclipse workspace), and is not
affected in any way by whether or not there happen to be incoming
changes to that workspace.

So that metadata could be affected by the client upgrade (there
sometimes is metadata changes between client versions), or can be
affected by abnormal termination of that workspace (in which case
metadata changes may not have been saved).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Tim,

That is something that I will look into. I will shutdown my laptop
for the day soon and then see if this happens when I log in tomorrow
AM and launch RTC for the first time. Once I "loaded" up
my workspaces today, they have come back in the Pending Changes view
since then.

I have just checked for this on another workstation that had RTC
upgraded at the same time mine was. I have several workspaces on
that PC. Several of them are loaded with the "Do not load
anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes
view" selection. Several of the workspaces are for streams that
definitely have had changes made in them.

For one of the workspaces:
1. I did the load with "Do not load anything. The workspace will
be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selected and accepted
the Incoming Changes that were picked up in the Pending Changes view.

2. I did not "load" any other workspace.
3. I then shut down the RTC Eclipse client.
4. I restarted RTC Eclipse Client and the workspace I loaded in Step 1
was displayed in the Pending Changes view (a good thing).

However, several other workspaces that were created with the "Do
not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending
Changes view" selection were not displayed in the Pending
Changes view, even though there are changes in the streams that they
are attached to. I think that even being loaded with this selection,
the workspaces that have changes coming in should be displayed in the
Pending Changes view.

I'll let you know what happens with my laptop tomorrow morning when I
start RTC up for the first time.


Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start RTC
after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace,
same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a
Hi Tim,
I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything.
The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and
that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view. So,
yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in
order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation
that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to disk.
The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to
do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to
each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do
"Load" then select "Do not load anything. The
workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for each
I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I
upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.
I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this

Hi Walter,
Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming
changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the
behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to
have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.
Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client?
Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't
load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace
without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in
Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to

permanent link
Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered May 07 '10, 9:28 a.m.
Hi Geoff,

I hear what you are saying. All I did was upgrade RTC from v2.0.0.2 to v2.0.0.2 iFix2. Currently only a few people are using the upgraded version, myself and one or 2 other RTC users. I know that they only have one or two workspaces. They have not mentioned this behavior (maybe because I haven't asked them about it). I do have 2 places that I can test this out on - my laptop and a regular Dell Workstation.

So, let me tell you what happened this morning when I logged in on my laptop for the day.
1. I launched RTC and only 2 of my workspaces were displayed in the Pending Changes view. Remember, I did a load action on all 9 of my workspaces yesterday.
2. I clicked on "Refresh Sandboxes and Remote Changes" in the Pending Changes view and still only 2 workspaces were displayed there. These 2 workspaces did not have any Incoming Changes for them. (This is probably related to what Geoff says below).

Here is where I am at. I don't mind "loading" workspaces from time to time (or even all the time). But that's just me. The RTC users here are very reluctant to change anything. We recently upgraded to RTC v2.0.0.2 and I have them all on that version and they are happy with it. That effort alone was like pulling teeth from a wounded rhinoceros. Now, we have an "iFix" that I am seeing a small issue with. Before I ask the rest of the RTC user community here to upgrade to the iFix, I thought that I would ask out on the forum if this is being seen by any one else. I'm still trying to sell RTC itself to a lot of people who used to use SourceSafe. Right now, these users do not have to "load" their workspaces in order to see workspaces that have Incoming Changes.

So, I appreciate all the answers I have received and if it is OK with everyone, I will open up a Work Item so that we can track this and have a place to put up some logs to look at.


- Walter
Note that whether a particular workspace appears in the Pending Changes
view of a particular Eclipse workspace depends only on metadata stored
in that Eclipse workspace (which is controlled by the "load" and
"unload" operations applied to that Eclipse workspace), and is not
affected in any way by whether or not there happen to be incoming
changes to that workspace.

So that metadata could be affected by the client upgrade (there
sometimes is metadata changes between client versions), or can be
affected by abnormal termination of that workspace (in which case
metadata changes may not have been saved).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Tim,

That is something that I will look into. I will shutdown my laptop
for the day soon and then see if this happens when I log in tomorrow
AM and launch RTC for the first time. Once I "loaded" up
my workspaces today, they have come back in the Pending Changes view
since then.

I have just checked for this on another workstation that had RTC
upgraded at the same time mine was. I have several workspaces on
that PC. Several of them are loaded with the "Do not load
anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes
view" selection. Several of the workspaces are for streams that
definitely have had changes made in them.

For one of the workspaces:
1. I did the load with "Do not load anything. The workspace will
be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selected and accepted
the Incoming Changes that were picked up in the Pending Changes view.

2. I did not "load" any other workspace.
3. I then shut down the RTC Eclipse client.
4. I restarted RTC Eclipse Client and the workspace I loaded in Step 1
was displayed in the Pending Changes view (a good thing).

However, several other workspaces that were created with the "Do
not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending
Changes view" selection were not displayed in the Pending
Changes view, even though there are changes in the streams that they
are attached to. I think that even being loaded with this selection,
the workspaces that have changes coming in should be displayed in the
Pending Changes view.

I'll let you know what happens with my laptop tomorrow morning when I
start RTC up for the first time.


Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start RTC
after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace,
same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a
Hi Tim,
I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything.
The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and
that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view. So,
yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in
order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation
that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to disk.
The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to
do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to
each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do
"Load" then select "Do not load anything. The
workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for each
I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I
upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.
I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this

Hi Walter,
Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming
changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the
behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to
have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to disk.
Is this something that is occurring every time you start the client?
Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes couldn't
load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace
without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in
Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 07 '10, 11:01 a.m.
The list of workspaces appearing in the Pending Changes view of an
Eclipse workspace should be restored when you restart that Eclipse
workspace (except for exceptional cases such as were mentioned below,
e.g., immediately after a client upgrade, or if the previous shutdown
was interrupted). So if you are not seeing that behavior, that would be
a bug and should be reported.

Just to emphasize one point, if there is a workspace that does not
appear in your pending changes list, the *only* way to get it added in
is to use the "load" operation (and select the "do not load anything ...
track in pending changes view only" option, unless you also want files
to be downloaded to your local file area). So clicking on "Refresh
Sandboxes and Remote Changes" will never affect whether a workspace
appears in the Pending changes view (it just affects workspaces that are
already being tracked in the Pending changes view).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Geoff,

I hear what you are saying. All I did was upgrade RTC from v2.0.0.2
to v2.0.0.2 iFix2. Currently only a few people are using the
upgraded version, myself and one or 2 other RTC users. I know that
they only have one or two workspaces. They have not mentioned this
behavior (maybe because I haven't asked them about it). I do have 2
places that I can test this out on - my laptop and a regular Dell

So, let me tell you what happened this morning when I logged in on my
laptop for the day.
1. I launched RTC and only 2 of my workspaces were displayed in the
Pending Changes view. Remember, I did a load action on all 9 of my
workspaces yesterday.
2. I clicked on "Refresh Sandboxes and Remote Changes" in
the Pending Changes view and still only 2 workspaces were displayed
there. These 2 workspaces did not have any Incoming Changes for
them. (This is probably related to what Geoff says below).

Here is where I am at. I don't mind "loading" workspaces
from time to time (or even all the time). But that's just me. The
RTC users here are very reluctant to change anything. We recently
upgraded to RTC v2.0.0.2 and I have them all on that version and they
are happy with it. That effort alone was like pulling teeth from a
wounded rhinoceros. Now, we have an "iFix" that I am
seeing a small issue with. Before I ask the rest of the RTC user
community here to upgrade to the iFix, I thought that I would ask out
on the forum if this is being seen by any one else. I'm still trying
to sell RTC itself to a lot of people who used to use SourceSafe.
Right now, these users do not have to "load" their
workspaces in order to see workspaces that have Incoming Changes.

So, I appreciate all the answers I have received and if it is OK with
everyone, I will open up a Work Item so that we can track this and
have a place to put up some logs to look at.


- Walter
Note that whether a particular workspace appears in the Pending
view of a particular Eclipse workspace depends only on metadata
in that Eclipse workspace (which is controlled by the
"load" and
"unload" operations applied to that Eclipse workspace),
and is not
affected in any way by whether or not there happen to be incoming
changes to that workspace.

So that metadata could be affected by the client upgrade (there
sometimes is metadata changes between client versions), or can be
affected by abnormal termination of that workspace (in which case
metadata changes may not have been saved).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Tim,

That is something that I will look into. I will shutdown my laptop
for the day soon and then see if this happens when I log in
AM and launch RTC for the first time. Once I "loaded" up
my workspaces today, they have come back in the Pending Changes
since then.

I have just checked for this on another workstation that had RTC
upgraded at the same time mine was. I have several workspaces on
that PC. Several of them are loaded with the "Do not load
anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes
view" selection. Several of the workspaces are for streams
definitely have had changes made in them.

For one of the workspaces:
1. I did the load with "Do not load anything. The workspace
be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selected and accepted
the Incoming Changes that were picked up in the Pending Changes
2. I did not "load" any other workspace.
3. I then shut down the RTC Eclipse client.
4. I restarted RTC Eclipse Client and the workspace I loaded in Step
was displayed in the Pending Changes view (a good thing).

However, several other workspaces that were created with the
not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending
Changes view" selection were not displayed in the Pending
Changes view, even though there are changes in the streams that
are attached to. I think that even being loaded with this
the workspaces that have changes coming in should be displayed in
Pending Changes view.

I'll let you know what happens with my laptop tomorrow morning when
start RTC up for the first time.


Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start
after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace,
same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a
Hi Tim,
I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything.
The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and
that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view.
yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in
order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation
that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to
The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to
do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to
each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do
"Load" then select "Do not load anything. The
workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for
I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I
upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.
I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this

Hi Walter,
Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming
changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the
behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to
have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to
Is this something that is occurring every time you start the
Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes
load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace
without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in
Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to

permanent link
Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered May 07 '10, 5:05 p.m.
Hi Geoff,

Something that you mentioned about metadata has clicked and I am going to try something out. I am looking into it now and it looks like we also changed the sandbox location for the workspaces at around the same time (i.e., from C:\RTC2.0 to C:\RTC). So the old .metadata folder will still be around (under C:\RTC2.0). I'll let you know what I find on Monday. But, I think that this is the path to go down and see if fixing it resolves this issue.


The list of workspaces appearing in the Pending Changes view of an
Eclipse workspace should be restored when you restart that Eclipse
workspace (except for exceptional cases such as were mentioned below,
e.g., immediately after a client upgrade, or if the previous shutdown
was interrupted). So if you are not seeing that behavior, that would be
a bug and should be reported.

Just to emphasize one point, if there is a workspace that does not
appear in your pending changes list, the *only* way to get it added in
is to use the "load" operation (and select the "do not load anything ...
track in pending changes view only" option, unless you also want files
to be downloaded to your local file area). So clicking on "Refresh
Sandboxes and Remote Changes" will never affect whether a workspace
appears in the Pending changes view (it just affects workspaces that are
already being tracked in the Pending changes view).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Geoff,

I hear what you are saying. All I did was upgrade RTC from v2.0.0.2
to v2.0.0.2 iFix2. Currently only a few people are using the
upgraded version, myself and one or 2 other RTC users. I know that
they only have one or two workspaces. They have not mentioned this
behavior (maybe because I haven't asked them about it). I do have 2
places that I can test this out on - my laptop and a regular Dell

So, let me tell you what happened this morning when I logged in on my
laptop for the day.
1. I launched RTC and only 2 of my workspaces were displayed in the
Pending Changes view. Remember, I did a load action on all 9 of my
workspaces yesterday.
2. I clicked on "Refresh Sandboxes and Remote Changes" in
the Pending Changes view and still only 2 workspaces were displayed
there. These 2 workspaces did not have any Incoming Changes for
them. (This is probably related to what Geoff says below).

Here is where I am at. I don't mind "loading" workspaces
from time to time (or even all the time). But that's just me. The
RTC users here are very reluctant to change anything. We recently
upgraded to RTC v2.0.0.2 and I have them all on that version and they
are happy with it. That effort alone was like pulling teeth from a
wounded rhinoceros. Now, we have an "iFix" that I am
seeing a small issue with. Before I ask the rest of the RTC user
community here to upgrade to the iFix, I thought that I would ask out
on the forum if this is being seen by any one else. I'm still trying
to sell RTC itself to a lot of people who used to use SourceSafe.
Right now, these users do not have to "load" their
workspaces in order to see workspaces that have Incoming Changes.

So, I appreciate all the answers I have received and if it is OK with
everyone, I will open up a Work Item so that we can track this and
have a place to put up some logs to look at.


- Walter
Note that whether a particular workspace appears in the Pending
view of a particular Eclipse workspace depends only on metadata
in that Eclipse workspace (which is controlled by the
"load" and
"unload" operations applied to that Eclipse workspace),
and is not
affected in any way by whether or not there happen to be incoming
changes to that workspace.

So that metadata could be affected by the client upgrade (there
sometimes is metadata changes between client versions), or can be
affected by abnormal termination of that workspace (in which case
metadata changes may not have been saved).


wmansur wrote:
Hi Tim,

That is something that I will look into. I will shutdown my laptop
for the day soon and then see if this happens when I log in
AM and launch RTC for the first time. Once I "loaded" up
my workspaces today, they have come back in the Pending Changes
since then.

I have just checked for this on another workstation that had RTC
upgraded at the same time mine was. I have several workspaces on
that PC. Several of them are loaded with the "Do not load
anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes
view" selection. Several of the workspaces are for streams
definitely have had changes made in them.

For one of the workspaces:
1. I did the load with "Do not load anything. The workspace
be tracked by the Pending Changes view" selected and accepted
the Incoming Changes that were picked up in the Pending Changes
2. I did not "load" any other workspace.
3. I then shut down the RTC Eclipse client.
4. I restarted RTC Eclipse Client and the workspace I loaded in Step
was displayed in the Pending Changes view (a good thing).

However, several other workspaces that were created with the
not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending
Changes view" selection were not displayed in the Pending
Changes view, even though there are changes in the streams that
are attached to. I think that even being loaded with this
the workspaces that have changes coming in should be displayed in
Pending Changes view.

I'll let you know what happens with my laptop tomorrow morning when
start RTC up for the first time.


Just so I understand, is this occurring the first time you start
after upgrading your client or every single time (same workspace,
same client version)? If it's every single time, it sounds like a
Hi Tim,
I can do a "Load" then select "Do not load anything.
The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" and
that will make the workspace appear in the Pending Changes view.
yes, that will work (and I do not have to load content to disk in
order to see incoming changes). This is good for the workstation
that we use for running builds. On my PC, I do load content to
The method above does work for those workspaces, so I don't need to
do a full "reload" on them. I still would have to go to
each workspace under "My Repository Workspaces" and do
"Load" then select "Do not load anything. The
workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes view" for
I also checked a PC with the RTC client for Visual Studio that I
upgraded last week and the same behavior is seen there.
I use RTC all day, every day. I don't recall having to do this

Hi Walter,
Do you have to load content to disk in order to see the incoming
changes? Nothing was changed in ifix2 that would alter the
behaviour of tracking changes to a workspace. You should be able to
have a workspace in Pending Changes without loading content to
Is this something that is occurring every time you start the
Perhaps the persisted data on workspaces in Pending Changes
load some of the workspaces after the update. Loading the workspace
without loading content to disk should persist the workspaces in
Pending Changes again and hopefully everything will be back to

permanent link
Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered May 10 '10, 6:12 a.m.
Hi Walter,
If you do not load a workspace and just track it, the VS Client does not save that information across sessions. From the forum discussion, it looks like your workspace issues started after you migrated to iFix2 - which surprises me somewhat. Earlier, the scm daemon used to maintain this information. Now it does not any more, so this information needs to be maintained on the client side preferences - something we haven't implemented yet. I'm trying to remember when this change happened - it was definitely earlier than iFix 2 I'd think.
If this is big pain point, we could try to get it in iFix 3 - it'll be somewhat tight though. If not, we'll definitely address it in 3.0.
I've opened to track this - please add your comments there.


permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 10 '10, 8:09 a.m.
Hi Rupa,

In Walter's original message in this thread, he indicated he was using
the Eclipse client (all of my comments above were about the Eclipse

Walter: Are your teammates also using the Eclipse client, or are they
using the VS client? (If the latter, Rupa's message probably explains
what they are seeing).


sreerupa wrote:
Hi Walter,
If you do not load a workspace and just track it, the VS Client
does not save that information across sessions. From the forum
discussion, it looks like your workspace issues started after you
migrated to iFix2 - which surprises me somewhat. Earlier, the
scm daemon used to maintain this information. Now it does not any
more, so this information needs to be maintained on the client side
preferences - something we haven't implemented yet. I'm trying to
remember when this change happened - it was definitely earlier than iFix 2 I'd think.
If this is big pain point, we could try to get it in iFix
3 - it'll be somewhat tight though. If not, we'll definitely address
it in 3.0.
I've opened
to track this - please add your comments there.


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