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To get Teamarea name column in Workitem table from Report

Sridhar Kuna (1602117) | asked May 05 '10, 7:09 a.m.
I have created one table from the dataset fields on table structure "", but i couldn't find the from the above structure. Where can i get it?

By the way, i have joined the other table which has team area column to the above table, but that looks more complex in forming the table.
Is there any other way to get the column from ""?

2 answers

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Sridhar Kuna (1602117) | answered May 21 '10, 2:26 a.m.
I looked at the WORK ITEM table in the LIVE SNAPSHOT, but don't see a field "". I see columns for other types, but not on the team area. How do we get it?

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Ryan Shillington (621) | answered Jul 19 '10, 12:50 p.m.
I looked at the WORK ITEM table in the LIVE SNAPSHOT, but don't see a field "". I see columns for other types, but not on the team area. How do we get it?

The team area names are in the Common Snapshot.

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