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RTC Project TimeLine

Manoj Panda (39346762) | asked May 03 '10, 5:04 a.m.
In Scrum process: The Release has been divided to several Sprint. If the release time line (start date 1st May 2010 , END date 31st june 2010) And the release has been divided to 2 sprint.
Sprint 1: 1st may to 31st may
Sprint 2 : 1st june to 31th June
which is correct.

but now if i change the sprint2 time line which will be complete by 2nd july (> that end date of release 1.)

RTC project Area should now allow me to save. Not sure whether its a right Approach to do or not. Ideally the sprint timeline should not be greater than release End date

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 03 '10, 6:56 a.m.
This functionality is currently requested in 88814. There is some
discussion in that work item as to whether it should just be a warning,
or whether it should be an error.

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manoj.panda wrote:
In Scrum process: The Release has been divided to several Sprint. If
the release time line (start date 1st May 2010 , END date 31st june
2010) And the release has been divided to 2 sprint.
Sprint 1: 1st may to 31st may
Sprint 2 : 1st june to 31th June
which is correct.

but now if i change the sprint2 time line which will be complete by
2nd july (> that end date of release 1.)

RTC project Area should now allow me to save. Not sure whether its a
right Approach to do or not. Ideally the sprint timeline should not
be greater than release End date

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