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Test Case & Test script backup

Kaniti Manesh (161) | asked Apr 19 '10, 5:25 a.m.

How i will take the backup for Test case and Test script ??

Is there any functionality in RQM ???


6 answers

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Antonio Napoles (2861) | answered Apr 19 '10, 6:00 p.m.
Hi, you can follow these infocenter instructions to make a backup of your whole database:

with Derby:

with DB2:

Actually you could use repotools if prefered, but it is recommended you get a backup of your DB before use it. You can try making backups and restores in a test system while you learn how repotools works. Here is the repotools info:

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Kaniti Manesh (161) | answered Apr 20 '10, 2:24 a.m.
HI Antonio,

Thanks for your mail.

I need to backup the Test cases & test script in excel file format.

Is that possible ???


Hi, you can follow these infocenter instructions to make a backup of your whole database:

with Derby:

with DB2:

Actually you could use repotools if prefered, but it is recommended you get a backup of your DB before use it. You can try making backups and restores in a test system while you learn how repotools works. Here is the repotools info:

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Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered Apr 20 '10, 8:22 a.m.
HI Antonio,

Thanks for your mail.

I need to backup the Test cases & test script in excel file format.

Is that possible ???


Hi, you can follow these infocenter instructions to make a backup of your whole database:

with Derby:

with DB2:

Actually you could use repotools if prefered, but it is recommended you get a backup of your DB before use it. You can try making backups and restores in a test system while you learn how repotools works. Here is the repotools info:

The export feature is to a PDF not excel format ...

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Kaniti Manesh (161) | answered Aug 03 '11, 5:30 a.m.
Hi All,

I need to import existing Test scripts for move to another Project Area.

We have Test Plan & Test Cases feeds like that do we have any Test Script feed.

eg for test cases :

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Xue Qin Tang (7153) | answered Aug 03 '11, 6:35 a.m.
Our RQM server will be migrated from CDL to RTP, how to export the existed datum (test cases, test plan) in RQM server and import them to another server?

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Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Aug 04 '11, 2:26 p.m.
Hi All,

I need to import existing Test scripts for move to another Project Area.

We have Test Plan & Test Cases feeds like that do we have any Test Script feed.

eg for test cases :

As long as both projects are on the same server this is really easy. In the UI of both the test scripts view and the test script form there is a "Duplicate" button. This will create a copy of the resource within the same project or to a different project.

To do this to a different server is harder. You'll need to use the API. I'd take a look at the RQM Copy Utility ( or the RQM URL Utility ( to see if either suits your needs.

- Rob

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