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ClearCase history import issue

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Mar 23 '10, 4:18 p.m.

i setup the CC importer to import the files into RTC from ClearCase 7.1. Every thing seems ok and i can see the all the files imported in RTC but the only issue is with history. although i selected the import history option while configuring the importer but when i check the history in rtc Right Click --> Show History. i just see the one history item "WARNING: Overwriting with: Website/webcontent". I cant see the all the versions for that file available in CC


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 23 '10, 5:10 p.m.
The importer only imports the baselines/labels that you select. So you
won't see all the versions for that file, only the versions selected by
the baselines/labels that you have imported.

The on-line help for the CC importer (section: "Configuring and using
the ClearCase Importer") tells you how to specify the baselines/labels
that you want to import.


qaiserislam wrote:

i setup the CC importer to import the files into RTC from ClearCase
7.1. Every thing seems ok and i can see the all the files imported in
RTC but the only issue is with history. although i selected the import
history option while configuring the importer but when i check the
history in rtc Right Click --> Show History. i just see the one
history item "WARNING: Overwriting with:
Website/webcontent". I cant see the all the versions for that
file available in CC


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