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RQM - Dashboard Viewlet - 'open defects subscribed by me'

Hemant Joshi (9111312) | asked Mar 02 '10, 11:00 p.m.
when I try to add Viewlet to display the work items I want only defects to be displayed. When I select 'work item' and edit the query to display 'open itmes subscribed by me' it shows requirements as well as other items besides the defects. I want to view only "Open DEFECTS subscribed by me" in the viewlets on the dashboard. Can some one help me build such viewlet please?

2 answers

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Michael Franzen (16642) | answered Mar 03 '10, 5:15 p.m.
Create a workitem query on what you want to see, then you can select that query in the viewlet on the dashboard.
To create a query, go to "Defects"->"Go to WorkItems"->"Create Query" then add the conditions you like to query on.

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Hemant Joshi (9111312) | answered Mar 04 '10, 12:45 a.m.
Thanks M. I shall try this today. However I have tried the steps you mentioned but i shall look deeper into it once again as per your suggestion. Thanks once again.

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