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Can I use python for creating RQM API

Vidya Yadav (11) | asked Feb 27, 5:04 p.m.


I am creating API which will create TCR automatically. I have couple of question

1. Can I use Python script?
2. as per  API document I have to use Post method to  generate systemid. Do I to send JaZZ-CSRF-PREVEN? Is it possible from python script? 
3. Is it possible to to assign  TCR to specific TCER? if yes Can you guide me here how? Do I have to send extra header in API call?

I am referring this document 

Thank you advance 

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 28, 2:16 a.m.

 I am not an ETM API expert, so no specifics. 

In general, it is possible to use Python to develop against HTTP/REST APIs. You use the requests library.

For ETM, there are these public APIs:
  1. OSLC QM
  2. Reportable Rest (which is unlike for all other products a CRUD API and not only a Read api.
If you use PUT or POST against an ETM API it is likely that you have to send a JAZZ-CSRF-PREVENT header with the JSESSION ID as value. You will know you have to, based on an error you get trying.
In general, what has best worked for me over the years was to look at data that had the characteristic I wanted and use the API based on that. Stephanes blog is still valid.

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