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Supported Eclipse Versions

David Ellis (3142) | asked Feb 24 '10, 5:15 a.m.

Does RTC support Eclipse version 3.4?

This System Requirements document appears to show that both Eclipse 3.4.2 and 3.5 are supported:

However, the RTC Express-C downloads page:

only appears to contain packages relating to Eclipse 3.5, and none of the downloads that I tried appeared to work with 3.4.


5 answers

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Feb 24 '10, 6:23 a.m.
On 2/24/2010 12:15 PM, Chemi wrote:
On 2/24/2010 11:23 AM, ellisdp wrote:

Does RTC support Eclipse version 3.4?

This System Requirements document appears to show that both Eclipse
3.4.2 and 3.5 are supported:

However, the RTC Express-C downloads page:

only appears to contain packages relating to Eclipse 3.5, and none of
the downloads that I tried appeared to work with 3.4.


I think 100% of the offering supports 3.4.x
And about 3.5.x was a best effort but there was work in progress....


Hope this helps,


Ah, I see what you mean in the download page. Those two ZIPs mentioning
3.5 are special ones for those who want play around with 3.5 right now.

But the other packages like: Client for Eclipse IDE, Client for Eclipse
IDE and Server, Client for Eclipse IDE (Local Install)... are for 3.4.x

Hope this helps,


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Feb 24 '10, 6:23 a.m.
On 2/24/2010 11:23 AM, ellisdp wrote:

Does RTC support Eclipse version 3.4?

This System Requirements document appears to show that both Eclipse
3.4.2 and 3.5 are supported:

However, the RTC Express-C downloads page:

only appears to contain packages relating to Eclipse 3.5, and none of
the downloads that I tried appeared to work with 3.4.


I think 100% of the offering supports 3.4.x
And about 3.5.x was a best effort but there was work in progress....


Hope this helps,


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David Ellis (3142) | answered Feb 26 '10, 5:00 a.m.
Chemi, thanks.

I went about things backwards then, I found the 3.5 installation first and got that to work easily. But I have not been able to get a 3.4 installation (to an existing Eclipse) to work yet.

I was testing installing RTC client as an extension to a clean Eclipse 3.4 J2EE workbench.

At first it failed because it said I needed to install patches to org.eclipse.jdt.R342, and an upgrade to

I did that and tried again, but it now fails saying "Offering cannot be installed into this existing Eclipse installation configuration because it has features that are not tolerated by the offering", and referring to org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui.feature, org.eclipse.platform.feature, org.eclipse.rcp.feature and org.eclipse.jdt.feature.

Any suggestions on how to deal with that? Thanks.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 01 '10, 6:07 a.m.

in general the easiest way to install RTC into an existing Eclipse is using the installation manager. I typically use RTC out of the box. In the few occasions I did not installing in an existing eclipse using installation mananger worked for me.

If that does not work I'd suggest to create a work item.

Other than that have you searched for the error you are getting in this forum or in the internet? I found this, it might be helpful:


Chemi, thanks.

I went about things backwards then, I found the 3.5 installation first and got that to work easily. But I have not been able to get a 3.4 installation (to an existing Eclipse) to work yet.

I was testing installing RTC client as an extension to a clean Eclipse 3.4 J2EE workbench.

At first it failed because it said I needed to install patches to org.eclipse.jdt.R342, and an upgrade to

I did that and tried again, but it now fails saying "Offering cannot be installed into this existing Eclipse installation configuration because it has features that are not tolerated by the offering", and referring to org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui.feature, org.eclipse.platform.feature, org.eclipse.rcp.feature and org.eclipse.jdt.feature.

Any suggestions on how to deal with that? Thanks.

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David Ellis (3142) | answered Mar 02 '10, 7:46 a.m.
Yes I was using Installation Manager.

Well I have got further. I followed the advice at:

(which I didn't read properly before), and installed the six recommended patches to allow RTC to be installed into an existing Eclipse installation.

That fixed most of the errors. I have just got one now:

Offering cannot be installed into this existing Eclipse installation configuration because it has features that are not tolerated by the offering
Feature "org.eclipse.jdt.feature" in the existing Eclipse installation does not meet version tolerance "3.4.2" for feature "" which is about to be installed

I can't figure out why that is. The version of org.eclipse.jdt in the existing Eclipse installation appears to be "3.4.2.r342_v2008...". So maybe it is saying that this version is too new for what RTC expects? If so I don't know how to fix that, since I just took a vanilla Eclipse 3.4 environment and installed the recommended patches.



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