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How to query all overdue work items ?

Jagadish R Rao (10612111) | asked Feb 22 '10, 2:34 a.m.

I was trying to build a query listing of all overdue work items , however the team concert query does not seem to support this directly.

The query currently supports to query for work items due for a specific time (1 day, 2 days , etc ... ) interval, but does not seem to support "greater than" or "lesser than" which could provide me listing of work items accordingly.

Any suggestions ...

Thanks & Regads
Jagadish R Rao

One answer

permanent link
Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Feb 23 '10, 5:23 a.m.
I was trying to build a query listing of all overdue work items ,
however the team concert query does not seem to support this

The query currently supports to query for work items due for a
specific time (1 day, 2 days , etc ... ) interval, but does not seem
to support "greater than" or "lesser than" which
could provide me listing of work items accordingly.

Date queries support 'before' and 'after'. See the following query that
selects overdue items:

Jazz Work Item Team

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