RFT adapter problem
2 answers
I am getting a connected message on the RFT start adapter but the Execution ->Adapter console in RQM is not showing any RFT configration.
I am using RFT 8.0 and trying integrate it to RQM 2.0.
Thanks in Advance.
We were facing the similar issue with RQM There might be stale information stored in the RFT adapter preferences. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\IBM\RFT and delete the RQMAdapterOptions.pref.Try the steps in the below link. It worked for us for RFT 8.1
I am getting a connected message on the RFT start adapter but the Execution ->Adapter console in RQM is not showing any RFT configration.
I am using RFT 8.0 and trying integrate it to RQM 2.0.
Thanks in Advance.
FYI you need RFT of higher to "officially" support integration with RQM 2.0. (Of course you may still be able to get this to work otherwise, it just is not tested/certified by IBM and IBM will not support it via PMRs/APARs/etc)
See this page for the integration support matrix: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27017504
What project area are you logged in to (in the WebUI) when you are checking the adapter console? Is it anything besides the default "Quality Manager" project? If yes, this is the problem.
RFT introduced support for multiple RQM project areas. There is now a "project area" field in the adaptor configuration. Earlier (pre- versions of the adapter did not have this field, and they always connect to the default "Quality Manager" project area. There is no known workaround to this limitation. You may want to try switching to the "Quality Manager" project and then taking a look in the adaptor console.
For reference: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21377449