Port one project area from one RQM server to another
One answer
In RQM-2.*, you cannot port a single project from one RQM repository to
a different one. Support for this use case is being added to the
underlying Jazz Team Server for 3.0 ... I assume RQM-3.0 will then pick
up this enhancement, but we need someone from the RQM server team to
confirm that assumption.
kohslk wrote:
a different one. Support for this use case is being added to the
underlying Jazz Team Server for 3.0 ... I assume RQM-3.0 will then pick
up this enhancement, but we need someone from the RQM server team to
confirm that assumption.
kohslk wrote:
I would like to port one project from one RQM server to another RQM
server hence reusing some of the test cases and test scripts. I am
new to repotools command. May i know what is the command to issue in
order to port from one project of a RQM server to another ?
Thank you.