RRC with Tomcat and Derby (default) Restore problem
I run a RRC 2.0 ( server for a internal project with Tomact AS and derby DB which comes default with the installer. I used to keep a full backup of the "repositaryDB" folder as project data backup.
The server crashed recently and the OS has to be reinstalled, but by replacing "repositaryDB" folder and the "tomcat-user.xml" file, I could not access RRC anymore. Neither from the eclipse based client nor from web interface.
The Jazz functionality , however, works fine. I could login with my old Admin username and password and can see all the old project area and users, only the RRC part does not work.
Could somebody provide me info how to restore my project data from the derby database backup to the newly installed RRC 2.0 srever ?
The server crashed recently and the OS has to be reinstalled, but by replacing "repositaryDB" folder and the "tomcat-user.xml" file, I could not access RRC anymore. Neither from the eclipse based client nor from web interface.
The Jazz functionality , however, works fine. I could login with my old Admin username and password and can see all the old project area and users, only the RRC part does not work.
Could somebody provide me info how to restore my project data from the derby database backup to the newly installed RRC 2.0 srever ?
5 answers
Have you gone through the rdm/setup again after re-installing to make sure that the server is properly deployed, and the public URI has been set properly? Can you attach your jazz.log, teamserver.properties and tomcat logs here so we can have a closer look?
Ok, I figured it out, and still do not understand the design principle !!!
I could not access the repository after re-installing and then using the "repotools" to update my database because of OAuth issues.
After the DB import you have to do the following:
1) Enter RRC as ADMIN
2) Go to Server->OAuth Consumer Management
3) In the "Authorized key" section copy the Consumer key of the "Rational Requirement Composer" as consumer name to clipboard
4) click on the "Rational Requirement Composer" consumer name
5) Change the consumer secret to whatever string you like
6) Go to C:\Program Files\IBM\RRCC20\server\conf\jazz dir
7) open friendsconfig.rdf
8) Change the tag "jfs:oauthConsumerkey" of "jd:friend" block and with "dc:title" tag as "Rational Requirement Composer", with the key copied in the clipboard
9) Change the tag "jfs:oauthConsumerSecret" with the secret you have just updated as ADMIN
10) do the same with friendsconfig.rdf in directory C:\Program Files\IBM\RRCC20\server\conf\rdm
11) Replace the tomcat-users.xml with the backup one
12) restart the server
RRC should work now, the only thing I notice wrong is the photo of the team members are missing the RRC client !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any comments ?
There are 3 files that are important
1. repositoryDB found in <install>\server
2. tomcat-users.xml found in <install>\server\tomcat\conf
3. friendsconfig.rdf found in <install>\server\conf\rdm
If you re-store these files you need to rebuild the indexes.
You are right. frindsconfig.rdf shold be part of the backup/restore process. I somehow missed that and this is a workaround you can use in that case. (As described in my previous mail)
However, could you please explain why the images of the project members are not visible in the RRC client ? The images are showing fine in the Jazz admin "User management" screen though.
They should be appearing. The images are stored in the repositoryDB, and when you assign the user to an RRC project - they should appear in the project side bar.
Are you using the same tomcat-user.xml file that was used when the users were created in the database? If so, then I do not know what the problem could be.
Throwing out a wild idea which I don't know whether this will make a difference but how about
1 Deleting these four folders (or moving them up for safety) -
1. <install>\server\jfs-rdfhistory ,
2. <install>\server\jfs-rdfindex,
3. <install>\server\jfs-texthistory,
4. <install>\server\jfs-textindex
2. Restart the server
3. Rebuild the configuration https://localhost:9443/rdm/install - press the Install button - ignore errors
4. In browser go to https://localhost:9443/rdm/configure - Click on Rebuild button; login with the admin account
wait for the reindexing and start the client.
Are you using the same tomcat-user.xml file that was used when the users were created in the database? If so, then I do not know what the problem could be.
Throwing out a wild idea which I don't know whether this will make a difference but how about
1 Deleting these four folders (or moving them up for safety) -
1. <install>\server\jfs-rdfhistory ,
2. <install>\server\jfs-rdfindex,
3. <install>\server\jfs-texthistory,
4. <install>\server\jfs-textindex
2. Restart the server
3. Rebuild the configuration https://localhost:9443/rdm/install - press the Install button - ignore errors
4. In browser go to https://localhost:9443/rdm/configure - Click on Rebuild button; login with the admin account
wait for the reindexing and start the client.