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RTC On Windows Inserting Carriage Return/ Line Feeds in Unix

David Robinson (121) | asked Feb 03 '10, 11:53 a.m.
I use RTC on Windows.
I downloaded some source code onto my system from a shared drive.
I placed the code into my local stream on RTC and then checked the code in and delivered the code to RTC. So far so good....except that RTC appears to have inserted carriage return/ line feeds into all of the files - including Unix script files - which breaks them. I never edited the files so this must have occurred at some point in RTC.

How can I disable the function in RTC of inserting carriage return / line feeds in files automatically ?

3 answers

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Feb 03 '10, 3:35 p.m.
You can tell RTC to use the Platform delimiter for files and configure this by file type. See the doc at:


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Frederic Mora (13811518) | answered Mar 28 '11, 2:08 p.m.
You can tell RTC to use the Platform delimiter for files and configure this by file type. See the doc at:


Hi Jean-Michel,

The link above points to a procedure that defines file properties for a given file extension, but as fas as I understand, that definition is local to your workspace.

Is there a way to define file properties per extension on a project-wide basis?

If not, can you export the file properties from one Eclipse client workspace and import it into others?

Thank you,

--Frederic Mora

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David Dulling (13731212) | answered Mar 29 '11, 4:05 p.m.
Hi, I've got the exact same problem so the initial answer has helped me understand how this all works.

I added a whole bunch of files via the Linux client then went to my Windows client, loaded the components and found many files had been converted to Windows CRLF mode. Thing is, it wasn't consistent as the majority of .txt files were Window-ised but a small number weren't and I can't work out why

I'm still trying to experiment with the File Properties settings to get a perfect result but not there yet

For my particular project they don't want any conversions at all, ever so if I can't guarantee this they'll choose another tool.

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