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Bridge between RTC2 and ReTAIN

Adriano Fanelli (2333029) | asked Feb 01 '10, 9:31 a.m.
Hello Folks, I'm looking for a bridge between RTC2 and ReTAIN (remote technical assistance information network (IBM) ).
Is someone aware of this?
Best Regards, Adriano

2 answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | answered Feb 02 '10, 10:51 a.m.
Hello Folks, I'm looking for a bridge between RTC2 and ReTAIN (remote technical assistance information network (IBM) ).
Is someone aware of this?
Best Regards, Adriano

Short answer: there's not one. More detailed answer is that there is work being done by SWDB folks in ISL, but on an "as we can" basis w/o funding.

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Feb 02 '10, 3:17 p.m.
Hello Folks, I'm looking for a bridge between RTC2 and ReTAIN (remote technical assistance information network (IBM) ).
Is someone aware of this?
Best Regards, Adriano

Short answer: there's not one. More detailed answer is that there is work being done by SWDB folks in ISL, but on an "as we can" basis w/o funding.

For additional information about this connector work, or if you would like to contribute, please contact Jeff Mason ( Like Kevin mentioned, this is being do on an "as can do" basis and has no committed (read funded) resources.

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