I have an RTC 2.0 server running on default Tomcat running 32bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The RTC works fine when accessed from the Internet (by it's hostname) but I get this error when trying to access it from the same machine:
400 No Host matches server name localhost
This happens for example when I try to start the build engine on the server:
[root@rh5 opt]# /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer20/server/jre/bin/java -jar rtcWMSBuild/buildengine/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar -repository http://localhost:9080/jazz/ -userId username -pass secret -engineId engine1 -vm /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer20/server/jre/bin/java
2010-01-22 02:33:42 [Jazz build engine] Running build loop...
2010-01-22 02:33:42 [Jazz build engine] Waiting for request...
2010-01-22 02:33:43 [Jazz build engine] CRRTC3528E: Error logging in to repository http://localhost:9080/jazz/ with user id: username
2010-01-22 02:33:43 [Jazz build engine] CRRTC3524W: Repository connection failed: CRJAZ0098I The service "com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IRepositoryRemoteService{/jazz/service/com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IRepositoryRemoteService}" failed. The server returned the http error 400 with error text "No Host matches server name localhost". Examine any further details here or look in the server log files for more information on how to resolve the issue.
Neither tomcat/logs/catalina.out nor logs/jazz.log say anything about the error.
The same error happens when I try to access the server with wget for example:
[root@rh5 tmp]# wget http://localhost:9080/jazz
--02:38:16-- http://localhost:9080/jazz
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:9080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 No Host matches server name localhost
02:38:16 ERROR 400: No Host matches server name localhost.
It rather seems to be some kind of Tomcat problem not really Jazz dependent as when I try
http://localhost:9080/ I get the same error. However, the RTC is standard installation - installed by Install Manager, running officially supported distribution, so there should be a solution.
Any advices would be very appreciated.