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NetBeans Client for Rational Team Concert

Pawel Dolecinski (26163) | asked Jan 13 '10, 12:31 p.m.
retagged Sep 03 '13, 4:24 p.m. by Amy Laird (16514)
Hello everyone!

I am the leader of Software Engineering Scientific Group from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland and I would like to introduce to you NetBeans Client for Rational Team Concert plug-in.

I am a Project Manager of dedicated students brought together in this challenge which is developing under auspicies of IBM Poland. It is our internship project and we are willing to develop it even further. Let me mention that our mentor is Bartosz Chrabski from IBM Sales & Distribution, Software Sales in IBM Poland.

Our idea to create the plug-in for NetBeans came from a simple observation that RTC is a very good collaborative development tool and yet the only IDE integeated with it is Eclipse IDE. We decided to do something about it and bring RTC to the developers community centered around Netbeans IDE!

We are now implementing first functionality of RTC: Work Items management. We are scheduled to finish this job by the end of February. Then you can enjoy all functionalities of Work Items.

Now please visit our website: Here you can find NetBeans module (in zipped file), source code, documents and many more. Page is also under rapid development so return to us to see what is new.

We will be grateful for any feedback you provide us with. As I mentioned before we are in the process of developing this product, therefore some unforeseen bugs may occur:)

With Best Wishes,
Pawel Dolecinski
NetBeans Client for RTC, Project Manager

2 answers

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Feb 09 '10, 4:39 p.m.
What are the chances that changes to this tool would be made - in particular I would welcome a --locale swich which could greatly help me in parsing the output of this command.

The CLI is an OSGi executable, so it understands all of the usual OSGi switches, including '-nl' (see

Is there any documentation about output of the scm anyway ?

It's worth noting that the preferred integration method (used by Visual Studio and others) for Jazz SCM is to use our filesystem daemon. See:

- The output of running 'scm help daemon start'
- The interface, which defines the SCM-related functionality

If you're interested in finding out more, please ask questions here, or raise work items against SCM.


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Adam Kedziora (6) | answered Feb 04 '10, 7:34 p.m.
Ok, I'm chief architect from netbeans side of this project and I have just found out about cli tool for scm

What are the chances that changes to this tool would be made - in particular I would welcome a --locale swich which could greatly help me in parsing the output of this command.

Is there any documentation about output of the scm anyway ?

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