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how to checkin and deliver changes from local workspace automatically?

ju ho (1123) | asked Mar 08 '16, 5:17 a.m.
edited Mar 08 '16, 5:26 a.m.

I want to checkin and deliver changes automatically from the command line in a script with the scm command. But all the scm commands like changeset associate, changeset comment and deliver require me to know the change set assigned when using the checkin command. Is there any way to make them work on the changes I just detected with the scm checkin command? 

I basically want to do:

scm checkin

scm changeset associate

scm changeset comment

scm deliver

And I want it to work without knowing the changeset UID, because i cant look it up in an automated way from the CLI

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Mar 08 '16, 6:04 a.m.
I believe from version 6.0 the checkin command has options to associate a workitem, set a comment and complete the change set. The 'deliver' is a separate operation.
'scm deliver' with -C/--components option will deliver all the change sets in the component. So if this is the only change set that you have as outgoing then it will deliver only that change set.
If you need to deliver a specific change set in the component then you have to write a custom script. Take a look at the example scripts at
David Lafreniere selected this answer as the correct answer

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