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Subscribe everyone who is in a Team Area ?

William Alexander (1113) | asked Jan 12 '10, 12:55 p.m.
Is it possible to Subscribe everyone who is a member of a specific Team Area to a work item?

When I enter the Team Area name in the search entry field only the users from my history, that are members of that team area show up for selection, not all the members of the team area.

10 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jan 12 '10, 1:58 p.m.
This is not currently supported. Please consider submitting a work item for your request. You can file the work item against "Process".

Jazz Developer
Is it possible to Subscribe everyone who is a member of a specific Team Area to a work item?

When I enter the Team Area name in the search entry field only the users from my history, that are members of that team area show up for selection, not all the members of the team area.

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John Kohl (1461815) | answered Jan 12 '10, 4:38 p.m.
"walexand" == walexand <walexand> writes:

walexand> Is it possible to Subscribe everyone who is a member of a specific
walexand> Team Area to a work item?

In the eclipse client, you can drag the team area from the team
artifacts navigator onto the quick information box of the work item, and
it prompts you whether to add as subscribers or something else.

John Kohl
Senior Software Engineer - Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Lexington, Massachusetts, USA

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Vincent Huynh (14697) | answered Apr 28 '10, 1:28 p.m.

This is neat!

Is there a way for someone to subscribe to all work items in a plan that have been Filed against a team? We have a scrum master that wants to be notified when her team makes updates.

Is this done by subscribing to the plan?


"walexand" == walexand <walexand> writes:

walexand> Is it possible to Subscribe everyone who is a member of a specific
walexand> Team Area to a work item?

In the eclipse client, you can drag the team area from the team
artifacts navigator onto the quick information box of the work item, and
it prompts you whether to add as subscribers or something else.

John Kohl
Senior Software Engineer - Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Lexington, Massachusetts, USA

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Apr 28 '10, 2:37 p.m.
This is neat!

Is there a way for someone to subscribe to all work items in a plan
that have been Filed against a team? We have a scrum master that
wants to be notified when her team makes updates.

Is this done by subscribing to the plan?

Yes, you can create a feed for the plan and will be notified of changes
to the planned items.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered May 03 '10, 10:43 a.m.
You can also 'Subscribe to Team Events' for a given project or team area (e.g. via the Team Organization view; try Show in Team Organization on the project area).

You can customize the settings in the timeline editor to exclude certain events if there's too much noise.

I like to add the My Work Item Changes feed and the team feed(s) to my Favorites list, then use Navigate > Open Team Artifact Favorite (Ctrl+Alt+F) to check them periodically. The picker shows the current unread counts too, so it's easy to keep on top of things.

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Vincent Huynh (14697) | answered May 03 '10, 1:52 p.m.

Thanks for the reply... this has been great!

I started playing around with this and noticed something weird. Perhaps there is a reason:

I created two feeds:
1) Plan subscription for Team A's work items
2) Team Event subscription for Team A.

The feed for the Plan only shows updates up to last month, where as the feed for Team A has updates as late as one day ago.

Could someone explain why there are differences?

Thanks in advance,

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered May 03 '10, 2:29 p.m.
It should just work. Are the latest updates for items that are on the plan, or other items in the team area but not on the plan? Last month is only 3 days ago :).

Also note that marking an event as read in one feed will affect all other feeds with the same event, i.e. they won't show up if you have Exclude > Read News checked.

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Vincent Huynh (14697) | answered May 03 '10, 3:11 p.m.
It should just work. Are the latest updates for items that are on the plan, or other items in the team area but not on the plan? Last month is only 3 days ago :).

Also note that marking an event as read in one feed will affect all other feeds with the same event, i.e. they won't show up if you have Exclude > Read News checked.

Thanks for the reply Nick.

Everything for that Team Area is contained in the Plan.

The last update from the Plan shows Apr 23rd, where as there are updates from the Team Area as late as May 2nd.

Hope that helps.


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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered May 03 '10, 4:03 p.m.
That sounds broken to me then. I suggest filing a bug report.

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Vincent Huynh (14697) | answered May 03 '10, 4:15 p.m.
Thanks for the prompt reply throughout this thread. Opened a defect:

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