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Using JUnit for SCM CLI

Pascal Fantoni (2111) | asked Jan 12 '10, 9:51 a.m.
I want to add my own SCM CLI subcommand and write some JUnit to test them. But before I wanted to run the RTC JUnit for the standard SCM CLI subcommands, so I took the and unzip it in my RTC environment after that I have imported the plug-in with sources from the plug-in view and run the SniffCommandLineTests junits against a local server 2002 with this arguments:

but have some errors like: CRJAZ0124I Invalid username or password.

After that I have created a user 'test' and re-run junit with:

As is, some BasicTests test cases run but for example test_login_nickname test case (and some others) does not run.

Do I need to initialize the SCM / database with some other users?
Is there any program to run which automatically initialize my local server?
Is there any document about this?


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