strange link uri format in rtc oslc
In my code I go over some work items information, and as part of it I follow the linked work items.
Usually, the linked item uri is in the format:
In one case (link type is mentions/textuallyReferenced) the link has a different format:
This link does not lead to data.
Any idea why this happens and what can I do about it?
One answer
The second link is for Web UI only. It only works in a browser as it relies on JavaScript pulling in extra data.
Thanks Donald!
Do you know why some of the links appear like this?
Maybe there is a way to avoid this when creating work items..
Is it consistent format?
As I am extracting data via oslc, I can't get the work item information when I encounter such link. I guess I can manually build the link that I need from the work item id at the end, if I assume that the format of this url is consistent.
Yes the format is consistent. The web link may be entered by end users manually, in which case you can't really avoid it.
1 vote
Thanks, I will modify the link manually, then.