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Deletion/Add Language Definition of/to Build Definition using Java

I am currently trying to make certain changes to the all the build definitions in every project area.
Everything worked fine until I was trying to add a language definition as shown in the screenshot, through the Plugin I am running.
Is there any way to add language definition through the plugin (for ex. as copyWartDefinition.setProperty("team.enterprise.scm.resourcePrefix", wartBuildPrefix);)
If there is no way for that I think another way to get to reach that goal is to delete the old build definition and add a new one with a copy from a manually set build definition with everything set right and copy that one, change the process area, builddefID aswell as two to three properties.
Unfortunately I had problems aswell there. I dont really know how to delete the BuildDefinition. When trying to paste them all into a trash ProjectArea and change there BuildID I was given errors. I was searching for something to maybe set mutuable to false but I couldnt find anything.
Is there any way to delete the build Definitions through a plugin. Kind of in a way you delete/remove properties ?
Thanks for you're help guys!