Create User Story is not working using OSLC 2.0 API
I have followed the given link but still not working , below error is coming :
Below are the details from Postman :
URL :-
Headers :
Request Body:-
"dcterms:title": "Your User Story Title",
"dcterms:description": "Description of the user story",
"rtc_cm:filedAgainst": {
"rdf:resource": "",
"rdf:type": ""
Error :-
Please provide help if anyone able to achieve this ........Thanks in Advance !
Error :-
"oslc:statusCode": 500,
"prefixes": {
"oslc": ""
"oslc:message": "Save Status\nCRRTC0290E: The work item cannot be saved because the work item's type is not configured correctly at the project level. \nThe category is not from the same project area as the work item.\n",
"oslc:cause": {
"oslc:statusCode": 500,
"oslc:message": "Save Status"
Please provide help if anyone able to achieve this ........Thanks in Advance !
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 24, 9:39 a.m.The error message says: The work item cannot be saved because the work item's type is not configured correctly at the project level. \nThe category is not from the same project area as the work item.
Did you check this?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 24, 5:16 p.m.This is the second question around the same stuff, ignoring the error message and the answers.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 24, 5:10 p.m.I don't know, how often I have provided this link already. If you want to start with OSLC, maybe follow this post: and note that I did also something wrong using application/json. It might work, but the public API documentation does not list this as a valid header.