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Not able to run OSLC lyo sample code for RTC in Spring boot framework environment

I am trying to create a connector for RTC using the sample code provided in the link 'https://github.com/OSLC/lyo-samples/blob/master/oslc-java-samples/src/main/java/org/eclipse/lyo/client/oslc/samples/RTCFormSample.java' in Spring Boot framework using STS 4 IDE.
My pom.xml contains all the dependencies which are there in the sample pom.xml provided in the above link, and it works fine when I invoke the method from Test class containing the main method.
But after deploying the jar and all the dependent jars under Maven Dependencies to my deployment folder, I can see that my code is not working when the call comes to the following line:
JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(webContextUrl,OSLCConstants.OSLC_CM_V2);
Need help running this code from a deployed jar, which I am not able to do at the moment, which I am guessing, is due to the absence of one or many dependent jars inside the deployed folder.
3 answers

You should probably ask that question on the OSLC Forum at https://forum.open-services.net/ since OSLC Lyo is part of OSLC code, not Jazz code.


I just want to know what all dependencies are required to successfully initialize an object of class 'JazzRootServicesHelper'..maybe I need that jar to be present in my deployment folder, as every time the call goes to the method's finally block after executing the line JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(webContextUrl,OSLCConstants.OSLC_CM_V2);.

I think you're asking on the wrong forum. It looks like
is not Jazz code but Eclipse Lyo code. Please ask your question on the OSLC Forum at https://forum.open-services.net/.

As David has rightly pointed out, this is the wrong forum for the question. Moreover, the JazzRootservicesHelper is from an old Eclise Lyo version and deprecated. See https://github.com/OSLC/lyo-samples/blob/master/oslc4j-client-samples/src/main/java/org/eclipse/lyo/oslc4j/client/samples/EWMSample.java for the current version. The new class is called RootServicesHelper.