Not able to run OSLC lyo sample code for RTC in Spring boot framework environment
I am trying to create a connector for RTC using the sample code provided in the link '' in Spring Boot framework using STS 4 IDE.
My pom.xml contains all the dependencies which are there in the sample pom.xml provided in the above link, and it works fine when I invoke the method from Test class containing the main method.
But after deploying the jar and all the dependent jars under Maven Dependencies to my deployment folder, I can see that my code is not working when the call comes to the following line:
JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(webContextUrl,OSLCConstants.OSLC_CM_V2);
Need help running this code from a deployed jar, which I am not able to do at the moment, which I am guessing, is due to the absence of one or many dependent jars inside the deployed folder.
3 answers
You should probably ask that question on the OSLC Forum at since OSLC Lyo is part of OSLC code, not Jazz code.
I just want to know what all dependencies are required to successfully initialize an object of class 'JazzRootServicesHelper'..maybe I need that jar to be present in my deployment folder, as every time the call goes to the method's finally block after executing the line JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(webContextUrl,OSLCConstants.OSLC_CM_V2);.
I think you're asking on the wrong forum. It looks like
is not Jazz code but Eclipse Lyo code. Please ask your question on the OSLC Forum at
As David has rightly pointed out, this is the wrong forum for the question. Moreover, the JazzRootservicesHelper is from an old Eclise Lyo version and deprecated. See for the current version. The new class is called RootServicesHelper.