Getting 400 Bad Request while crating user story using OSLC API
Hi Everyone, I am trying to create a user story using OSLC API in Postman, Below are the details and Error which I am getting in postman please help any changes and suggestions to make it work,
Thanks in Advance !
URL :{my-project-area-id}/workitems
Authorization : Basic Auth (User Name & Password)
Headers :
Content-Type: application/json
Getting Below Error :
3 answers
Hi @Ralph Schoon, I forget to mention but I am providing OSLC version also in the headers:
As the error message implies, you do not provide the required work item type. The Factory URL is likely incorrect (it is missing the type). The factory is likely{my-project-area-id}/workitems/story , or you have to provide the type in the request body. Again, see
Thank you Ralph Schoon for your response, I have followed the given link but still not working , below error is coming now :
URL :-
Headers :
Request Body:-