DOORS Next Generation 7.0.3: Update content displayed without applying the update to the server
Is it possible for a widget to update the content displayed in Doors Next Generation (DNG) for specific attributes, without pushing that update to the server? For example, have a widget update what is displayed in the "Contents" column for an artifact without pushing that update to the server. I'm aware of the client side API RM.Data.setAttributes, but that will actually commit the change to the server; I'm looking for an API that does the same thing without committing the change to the server. If such an API exists, is it also possible to apply CSS changes as well? For example, highlight text in red, bold, etc.
One answer
I am pretty sure, the answer is no. The tools try to create a connected history and not a inaccurate lie
I discovered that there is a pure::variants widget that is able to "gray out" lines in Doors next generation (please see attached screenshot, the "Test 2" line is grayed out), and this "grayed out" visual change isn't committed. Since this widget does this I thought it would've been possible to change the content in Doors next generation without committing the change.
If you write your own widget, I would assume, that it is possible to calculate and display data in a column, that is not stored. It would not be an attribute of the requirement. I have not done that myself, but I can't see why it should not be possible to display data that is calculated.
But I'm assuming that it is NOT possible to have a widget set data in a column within DOORS Next (next to the other columns within DOORS Next, not in a sperate view created by the widget) that is not stored since to do that it would have to be an attribute of the requirement?