Is there a way to control the length / complexity of a password created by the User in ELM7
Whilst I appreciate that LDAP is the best way to go, my scenario is that the AD exists outside my server realm for a number of reasons, and therefore cannot be connected. In attempt to qualify the built in user registry, we need to look at whether we can enforce a particular length/complexity. We don't particularly care about a rotation of the password, but we do care about its length/complexity.
ELM 7.0.2 SR1 ifix28
Accepted answer
The Liberty basic user registry is really only there for development-type activity to simplify setting up a server with some sort of authentication, i.e. it's not really intended for production. You'd probably be better to setup your own local LDAP and let that manage users and passwords.
From a practical perspective managing users and groups by editing an XML file isn't going to be much fun.
any recommendations for creating a local LDAP ?
No, nothing specific - but I'd have thought if you've got Windows servers around then you can easily add an AD instance. Might your IT department be able to manage it for you?
I've used both Apache Directory Server and OpenLDAP as local instances - both are pretty simple to set up and manage.