What is Best SCM tool RTC or GIT
3 answers
Since you're asking in the Jazz Forum, my obviously very biased answer is that Jazz SCM (formerly RTC) is the best by a mile!
My personal experience over the last decade or so is that Git has become very popular but has so many massive shortcomings - I use Git out of necessity but if I have a choice I will always go for Jazz SCM. I fear, however, that it's like the old VHS vs BetaMAX video tape war - and you do get points for winning a popularity contest.
Jazz SCM is technically superior in a multitude of ways but Git has the people's hearts. I think the best thing about EWM is that you can work with both side by side and EWM process enforcement in Git does help to address quite a few of the short comings of Git.
I have seen it before. There used to be SVN - free but not so free and a lot of customers abandoned their SCM system for that. Nobody talks about it any more. Now it is Git. It may or may not be here to stay. Just because it is free does not make it better.
I have talked to customers that had created their own tools around SVN to overcome the limitations and then asked if the Jazz SCM system could be changed to implement their process. Now SVN is not talked about any more will they start over with Git?
At the moment I prefer the Jazz SCM system used with the Eclipse client. The experience is just better for me.
I recognize however that the simplicity to use Git e.g. on the command line and the amount of integrations or clients such as GitHub Desktop is where the Jazz SCM system has room for improvement.
Adding my perspective:
Depends on your usecase, as all tool desicions do.
Do you have a simple product with one major development path, and mainly just need version control? perhaps then you can very well live with git like a lot of the SW community does...
Do you have a more complex structure, with a product build by individually/independently developed subsystems, with different product variants that you want to configure to use different combinations of the mentioned subsystems? -> then you will most likely have a much easier life with the configuration management capabilities coming with Jazz SCM
This is most likely the primary point of differentiation: Simple version control (git) vs. integrated version control and configuration management (jazz SCM)