DNG 703 Can't display Identifier in view. No Absolute number or Object ID
DNG 703. I see that Identifier appears under the Artifact type, however, it isn't selectable to add to the Artifact Type nor is it selectable to add to the module heading for use.
Is this the equivalent of the absolute number in DOORS Classic?
I see that I can add ID to the modules heading, but it doesn't start at one. It continues from the last number assigned to any statement entered into a module.
How to get the module to show me requirements starting at ONE on creation of the module? I want all my module textural numbers to start at one like it does in DOORS Classic.
I've imported CSV files where I set the ID number to start at one. However, upon displaying of the module, the ID attribute is whatever the last number that was used to create the other modules content.
So starting at one for each requirement module is very important. We don't start off with just any number.
Apparently there is no equivalent absolute number or Object ID to does this automatically.
Accepted answer
> How to get the module to show me requirements starting at ONE on creation of the module? ...like it does in DOORS Classic.
You can't. Because DOORS Next can reuse an artifact in more than one module (or even more than once in a module) having a module-specific ID would be at least confusing (several IDs for the same artifact) at worst impractical. So the base or core artifacts are given unique identifiers and those are shown in the module.
You could imagine maintaining your own attribute for a module identifier, but as this is stored on the base artifact that wouldn't work if the artifact was used more than once.
> Apparently there is no equivalent absolute number or Object ID to does this automatically.
The identifier of an artifact is a unique ID in the DOORS Next repository.