Uploaded MS *.docx documents are rendered with wrong section numbering
in ELM7 when an uploaded word document with and extension *.docx is displayed, any sections that are "numbered" e.g. I, II, III etc are not rendered correctly in the system. The numbering is transposed to 1, 2, 3 etc.
The underlying document is still correct with the correct numbering system, but opening the document in DoorsNG to view - all the numbers are rendered differently.
In the document attached, you can see that the page number is different on pag1 from page 2 - when this is uploaded into DoorsNG, the page number is rendered the same as Page 1 which is incorrect.
Version 702 SR1 ifix15
(word document)
In DoorsNG both footers are displayed as I and II
2 answers
We use Oracle Outside In to generate previews - AFAICT the most recent update to this was in iFix026 so you should be using it.
You could create a support case and provide a sample document?
our systems are DB2 .... and yes we are using it as I've shown as I said that we have ifix27 on one of the servers and the issue is still apparent.
Thanks for your input..
Hi - Oracle Outside In isn't part of their database offering - i.e. we use this for previews whatever database you're using in your deployment.
Karen Steele
Apr 09 '24, 9:47 a.m.on one server its ifix17 on the other its ifix27 - same results in both versions.