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Getting the List of all RM(DNG) Changesets between 2 baselines in GC Context

Shwetha G (112) | asked Mar 26, 6:31 a.m.

 Hello Team,

Is there a API, which will list down all the all the DNG changesets delivered between 2 GC baselines.

Given a global and a staging baseline, I should be able to get all the DNG changesets which are delivered between the date of creations of global and staging baselines.

Please suggest. Thanks.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 27, 5:24 a.m. | edited Mar 27, 5:32 a.m.

This is not a useful response, as it does not convey any useful information. Swetha is actually asking in the correct forum for exactly the information you describe should be asked for.  I would ask you to consider not to respond if you can not provide any useful hints.

I have seen many of first user responses like this one, that magically start containing spam links in a day or two. 

Should spam links magically appear, I will make sure they disappear. 

Thank you very much.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 27, 5:30 a.m.

I did not want to answer this, because I am not totally sure and hoped someone else would pick it up. So here with the restriction to "as far as I know":

 This is the link to our API landing page:

You can look through the DNG API's . Especially the Server APIs and

I am not able to find an API that would allow compare baselines or something else. I have to assume that the API is internal. 

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